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Samhain is a time when the boundary is thinnest between the worlds of the living and the dead. The powers of divination, the Sight, and supernatural communication are stronger over this period and it is considered a potent time to communicate with those that inhabit the Other Worlds. We will be having a weekend of ritual, lots of interesting workshops, meditations and craft.
When: 4th – 6th May 2018. Arrive after 5pm Friday night, finish 3pm Sunday afternoon. Car parking available in the carpark.
Where: At a private property in the Sutherland Shire, Sydney (full details will be sent to you via email once you have made your booking).
Friday – Sunday: $180 (includes accommodation and meals)
Saturday – Sunday: $145 (includes accommodation and meals)
Not sleeping over: $110 (includes meals)
Payment due no later than 27th April 2018 unless other arrangements have been agreed to.

What to Bring:
• Own linen or sleeping bag. Pillows and one blanket per bed are provided.
• We will be making a warrior’s shield and a sleep catcher bracelet over the weekend. The hoops, canvas, string and cords will be provided. Please bring paints, ribbons, feathers etc for the decoration of the craft objects.
• CLOTHES: Clothes for the weekend are casual. Please bring ritual clothes for the dedication ceremonies.
• Drums or percussion, spares will be provided.
• A deck chair if you have one, to sit around the fire pit.
Food for the weekend will be kept simple, if you have any special dietary requirements please let us know ASAP. Morning and afternoon tea will be provided, please bring any snack items and soft drink or alcohol you require.