Working with the Seasons

Spring Workshop - September 28, 2008

Each season interfaces with the next one, each season brings a new discovery, a new journey. Spring signals the beginning of the season of rebirth, the resurrection of nature. Having left the arms of his mother, the God ventures into the fields and woodlands of the rejuvenated world and is ready to take his place as Lord of the forest. Winter is truly over and the world has recreated itself in the image of life. Likewise, the Goddess recreates herself in her Maiden form and she explores the natural world that she has given birth to.

With the budding of plants, the land is filled with fertility and becomes a time for the stirrings of the heart and a time to spring board new adventures.

At the Spring equinox the days and nights are once again of approximately equal length. Throughout history this has been held as a time of celebrating new life, the resurrection of nature from the dead, and has typically featured fertility rites and merrymaking.

Come on a journey of discovery into the magic of spring and learn how to use its energy to enhance your own magic and spiritual work. Connect with the Goat God Pan, who represents the force of life. Pan is god of the forest and of shepherds, and was said to grant new life on earth every spring.

A collection of photos* from the spring workshop and a brief outline of the day's activities...

Embracing Spring

Up to the spring equinox we have to accept the restraints and continued obligations of winter. However, at the equinox the life-force suddenly rises, the cork pops, and the seeds germinate. Likewise, we feel empowered to strike out on our own, to take risks, drop our self-restraints and simply "get on with it", motivated by an urge to make things happen. This difference can be felt in the air when doing something as simple as taking time to connect to nature, to really notice the changes around you, whether in your yard, a park or any secluded natural area.

Left & Above: Connecting to trees, the air and sensing Spring.

These trees had a very interesting energy.

Spring sunlight through the leaves.

Our altar contained a collection of items representative of spring...

Meditation 1 - "Imagination"

"Imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe." ~ Albert Einstein

Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world's greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.

To listen to a sample of the meditation music, click on the link below...

Pan Fairy Land (sample)
4.21 MB mp3 file
Running time 0:04:36
Written, performed and produced by Janine Donnellan
Copyright © 2008 Janine Donnellan

Meditation 2 - "Pan"

Everybody has heard of Pan, and would even know him if they met him. A Greek god with the physique, not of a Greek god, but of a small man with a goatee beard and reed pipes, and the hind-quarters, horns and sexual habits of a goat.

Pan had many attributes as a god, and was also associated with music. He is depicted playing upon the reed pipes he made from the transformed body of the nymph Syrinx. It was said that this music could inspire panic (the root of the word) in any who heard it. Among many other things, he was a god of prophesy, and above all, he was the god of nature: meadows, forests, beasts and even human nature.

A more detailed description of the day's events is also featured in the Axis Mundi (October 2008), along with Spring Workshop Meditation, "Imagination" ~ A Personal Experience, by Jenwytch.


For as long as humans have lived on the planet, talismans have been used as magical charms to attract wealth, harmony, love and happiness. The word talisman can be traced back to the Sanscrit root tri, meaning to pass over or fulfill.

A talisman is something which has been given power, whereas an amulet is something that naturally posesses power. Talismans generate a positive force for a specific reason, desire, or a goal. Talismans usually last for a limited period of time, once the goal or wish has been achieved, the energy of the talisman is finished.

Talisman: Oil bottle necklace


Ingredients: Bay leaves, fairy dust & bottle, aromatherapy oils, ground garnet.

Place the selected ingredients into the bottle necklace. Write a one word intent or symbol on the section of the bay leaf to add power to the talisman. Each ingredient has a vibration, when added to intent and ritual which is empowered by the burning of the bay leaf, the energy becomes enacted and magic happens.

Three completed talisman bottles.

Manifesting Ritual

One by one, the bay leaves people had written their intentions on were burned, and the talisman bottles were passed through the smoke of the burning leaves, thereby further empowering each individual talisman.

This was followed by chanting to raise energy to help manifest our desires.

Chant for manifesting

Air so healing
Fire empowering
Water connecting
Earth manifesting

* Photos by Jenwytch

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