Virgo/Pisces Full Moon

PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE and PERIGREE moon closest to Earth
SEPTEMBER 8th, 4:41am AEST eclipse 4:52amAEST

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(September 2006)

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is creating an energy for the shift in consciousness for humanity on deep inner levels. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration, in Pisces the spirit and cosmic bliss are illuminated and grounded through the Sun in Virgo. Be clear about your dreams and give them out to the Universe if you feel in your heart they are in alignment with your being in divine will. It is a good time with the Sun in Virgo opposite to do any deep inner healing and to love unconditionally yourself and all beings.

In this journey called life each of us searches for our own truth and we seek to deepen our understanding and experience of ourselves, our lives and the world in which we live, releasing the old, the negative, the unsupportive, and increasing the new, the positive. This ongoing process of renewal is but part of the pathway to evolution, service also being an important factor. The Virgo energy is asking us to examine the essence within ourselves to look for our true purpose and to know 'Whom we serve'. The Pisces aspect allows us to break down the material boundaries between the earth plane and the spiritual dimensions. All manner of possibilities exist when we arrive at this doorstep.

Tonight we will be working with the Egyptian pantheon and will be calling in Isis & Thoth who are both Moon Gods. Isis together with Thoth taught mankind the secrets of medicine. Thoth will be working with our higher self to help us know our higher purpose. Thoth again extols man to seek for light for only thus can they know their own soul.

Our intent for this Full Moon is then...


Prior to moving into the circle each person will choose a card that indicates the area in their life they need to focus on.

Circle is cleansed and sanctified and opened by singing...

We are a circle, a living circle, with no beginning and never ending.



Oh mighty Nuit
You are the sky, you are the stars
You are the eternal stellar flame that lives within
Let it bring us to a new consciousness.
Oh mighty Nuit I call for you
So mote it be.


Oh mighty RA with your Fire transforms us
The divine illumination
May your light descend and fill our hearts and minds.
Let the fire empowers us
Oh mighty RA I call for you
So Mote it be.


Oh mighty Osiris with your ebb and flow of life
May your energy shift us,
Connect to us
With your mutability bring forth your intuition.
Oh mighty Osiris I call for you
So mote it be.


Oh mighty Anubis with the darkness grounds us
Let the Earth regenerates us,
Let it take the substance of our being and makes us new.
Oh mighty Anubis I call for you
So Mote it be.


Oh Mighty Isis
You are the sky, you are the stars
You are the eternal stellar flame that lives within
We offer ourselves to you.
May your presence rise
In acceptance of this offering
So mote it be.


Mighty Thoth
The divine illumination
We call for you.
May your light descend and fill our hearts and minds.
Activate and unite us with the one.
May this place and all herein be manifest potential.
So mote it be.

Thoth Meditation

The Thoth Awakening - toning and releasing

Walking the circle - reflection



We thank you great Goddess Isis
For your divine presence
Hail and farewell
May love and peace reside in all our hearts.


We thank you almighty Thoth
For your divine presence,
Hail and farewell.
May love and peace reside in all our hearts.


Anubis Mighty God of Earth
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Osiris, Mighty God of Water
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Ra, Mighty God of Fire
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Nuit, Mighty Goddess of Air
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.