Full Moon in Aries

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(October 10, 2008)

Background Information...

Aries represents a beam of force emanating as an individual flame that has been taken out of the vast ocean of Cosmic Fire. Aries is a separate ray of sunshine that emerges from the body of the Sun. He is the individualizing ego bursting forth from Universal Mind, expressing as a ceaselessly creating impulse ever in the search to prove his existence as a single entity distinct from the masses.

Aries is the sign of initiating and generating the fires of life through its ruler ship over the head. Aries give the courage and initiative needed to find the ~ I AM ~ within. Through the sign of spring, the bursting forth of life into being is achieved as the impregnating processes of all nature come under its primary domain.

On this night we will connect to the energy of the Aries Full Moon under the guidance of RA, he is the Egyptian Sun god and appears as a Hawk head wearing a sun disc an at night he appears as a rams head.

The RA-UM is a Labyrinth which becomes a tool for the principle of Spirit acting through matter. The Labyrinth is the touch stone for many levels of planetary alignment necessary at this time in order for the Transfiguration (more aptly "Translation") of the earth.

The RA-UM which is the spark of electro-static creation within the centre of the molecule. This charge is activated at various levels through interaction with the universal codes of the Divine Archetype. The purpose of this activation is to re-align an elemental coding in the molecule within each of us to the sacred or divine fire of Perfection - that centre of all consciousness in which the Mind of what we identify as God exists.

The RA-UM Labyrinth was created by the Enochian Masters (Illumined Beings). It is liken to an omni-universe made from "cosmic string." with a black hole at its centre. This Labyrinth is brought into etheric / physical in a holocrystalline form which is a matrix set into the ethers and anchored to earth. This matrix is filled with dot sequences of RA-UM energy points to form a labyrinth grid work. Looking down through the labyrinth from top to bottom, one would perceive the spiral. Attempting to move from one level of this dimensional grid to the next would reveal the actual labyrinth pathways.

The Ritual...


Oh Mighty Amaunet, Goddess of Air and winds
I call thee to come forth invisible one to protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be.


Oh Mighty Hathor
Great Lioness with eyes of fire
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be


O Mighty Nun
God of waters and the primordial water of chaos
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be


Oh Mighty Kherty
Ram God, Guardian of the royal tomb
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be

Casting the circle...

A circle is cast around about, spirit stay in, world stay out; a circle is cast around about, a world within a world without; the circle is cast around and around, in spirit and power we are now bound.


Thoth. Hermes. Mercury. Merlin
Whatever name I call, you are known to eternity.
Come forth this night and aid and guard us in this work
You who vibrates between the light and the darkness
Come forth unto us from your abode in the silence, unutterable wisdom, all light, all power.
Hail & Welcome


All hail to Ra
Praise be to Ra, exalted power
Ra the bringer of light into this Circle
Ra who takes away the darkness and gives the light.
Praise be to Ra, exalted power, the great illuminator
Come forth unto us from your abode in the silence, unutterable wisdom, all light, all power
Hail & Welcome


Aries releases Cosmic Fire, Leo releases Solar Fire, Sagittarius releases Planetary Fire. These three fires manifest on this planet as seven flames:

  1. Red candle - The flame in the heart of each atom.
  2. Orange candle - The flame in the seeds of the vegetable kingdom.
  3. Yellow candle - The flame in the animal kingdom.
  4. Green candle - The flame in the heart of every man.
  5. Blue candle - The flame in the heart of the Hierarchy-Christ.
  6. Indigo candle -The flame in Shamballa-Sanat Kumara.
  7. Violet candle - The greater flame, the planetary source of Life.

Thoth has stated that these Seven Flames are the 'tongues' of the Divine Fire (or the Holy Flame). RA-UM is the right sequence of awareness that triggers the uniting of the Seven, achieving omnipotent accord with all space-time realities.

7 candles are lit and placed on the altar as we chant OM.


RA-UM Labyrinth Visualization

  1. Visualize a labyrinth.

  2. Imagine yourself beginning at the outside rim, and moving inward toward the center. This labyrinth contains your true spiritual encoding. As you seek the centre, what symbols, patterns, impressions do you receive? Be aware of these messages, for they contain the keys to unlock further portals for you.

  3. Once you have found the centre of the labyrinth, place yourself inside an obsidian shield/sphere. Then allow yourself to resonate with the entire labyrinth as it becomes the greater Labyrinth of the RA-UM. Your obsidian shield/sphere begins to become luminescent, as it glows from the infusion of greater to lesser. You become the Greater, merging with the Heart-Mind of free-flow existence. As your shield becomes light, see your spirit colors wrap scarves of enfolding rainbows about you - all colors of your glorious soul-mandala. Feel the resonate chord of harmony between your most centered self and the RA-UM pulse of free-flow.

  4. Once you have held this state of At-Oneness for a comfortable time, you may enter your commands into the matrix. These commands should not reflect the persona (personal will and preferences) but the Spirit (the essence of your natural soul-being). In other words, you do not enter "I want" or "I need," but instead that Divine Order be established in your beingness. In this way, you are freeing yourself from karmic bonding to a degree that enables you to accept the reality best suited to your Spirit Journey in soul evolution in this lifetime.



Thoth. Hermes. Mercury. Merlin
You who vibrates between the light and the darkness, rising, descending, changing ever, yet ever the same.
Thank you for you unutterable wisdom, all light, all power.
Hail & Farewell


All hail to Ra
Praise be to Ra, exalted power
Ra the bringer of light into this Circle
Thank you for you unutterable wisdom, all light, all power.
Hail & Farewell


Oh Mighty Kherty
Ram God, Guardian of the royal tomb
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


O Mighty Nun
God of waters and the primordial water of chaos
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


Oh Mighty Hathor, Great Lioness with eyes of fire
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


Oh Mighty Amaunet, Goddess of Air and winds
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.