(Equinox exact at 2:03PM AEST 23/09/06)
Libra/Aries Full Moon 07/10/06
(Full Moon 1:12PM AEST, 14 degrees Aries)

"Bubble Flower" by Josephine Wall www.josephinewall.co.uk

Ritual written* by Jenny and led by Janine


Ostara is a time to celebrate the arrival of Spring, the renewal and rebirth of Nature herself, and the coming lushness of Summer. It is at this time when light and darkness are in balance, yet the light is growing stronger by the day. The forces of masculine and feminine energy, yin and yang, are also in balance at this time.

At Ostara we think of renewing ourselves. We renew our thoughts, our dreams, and our aspirations. We think of renewing our relationships. This is an excellent time of year to begin anything new or to completely revitalize something. This is also an excellent month for prosperity rituals or rituals that have anything to do with growth.

The Spring Equinox fell this year on Saturday September 23 at 2:03pm. The moon was in Libra at the point of the Equinox, as was the Sun just 60 seconds later at 2:04pm. Libra is the midpoint of the Zodiac; it is the scale of balance, just as the Equinox is also the balance or the midpoint between light and dark.

The Full Moon - Although tonight (6/10/06) we are celebrating Ostara two weeks after the actual Equinox, the zodiacal correspondences at this Full Moon are still very much in keeping with the themes of Ostara. The Moon in Aries signifies a time for cleansing and personal development, starting new things and new beginnings. As mentioned above, the Sun's current sign of Libra is about balance. The Sun is joined in Libra by both relating planets - Venus, which symbolizes the feminine aspect of nature and Mars, the masculine aspect. The Moon stands alone on the other side of the heavens holding a torch for the needs of the self, while everyone else around is focused on supporting the partnership. That is your struggle this month - how to find a way to support yourself from within. Venus and Mars encourage us to develop partnership, harmony and tact within our interpersonal relationships, and to achieve balance.

Spring Maiden - Eostre [pronounced ESS-trah or Y'OSE-tree] is an Anglo-Saxon Goddess; the one for whom the Ostara Sabbat is named. When the Saxons invaded Britain, they brought this vigorous Goddess with them and she was eventually adopted into the Celtic pantheon. She is seen as spring personified, a Goddess of rebirth, new beginnings, and fertility.

Eostre comes into your life with her springtime message of personal growth. It is time to open to things in your life that facilitate growth, development, evolution. Is there a class or workshop you've been wondering if you should take? Do it now! Is there something new that you want to include in your life? Let it in now! Have you just gone through a period of stagnation and lethargy where nothing seemed to be happening? Let it go! Now is the time of growth. The Goddess says that wholeness is nurtured when you stretch. The stretching promotes your growth.

Green Man - The Green Man is the personification of the spirit of nature itself in its vegetation form; the living heartbeat in every cell of a plant, shrub or tree, and the divine essence of the seasons. He is the divine essence in the world of trees and flowers. He is health through the plants and fruits we eat. And he is the ongoing cycle of the year, the infinite wheel of life. The Green Man emphasizes the fertility, regeneration and different life/seasonal phases as shown by the world of vegetation. He also represents the great solar god; the one that rises in spring, blooms in summer, declines in autumn and dies in wintertime, to be reborn the next spring again. He is the great fertilizing force of the land: he is the great masculine life-essence, the God, the Father, the Shepherd, the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness, and the other side of the receptive Goddess-energy of nature.





Spirits of the East, Spirits of Air,
awaken us with the Spring breeze.
Fill our lungs, and join us
in celebration of the renewal of light and life.

Hail and welcome!


Spirits of the North, Spirits of Fire,
warm us with the rising sun.
Quicken our hearts, and join us
in celebration of the unfolding of the Earth.

Hail and welcome!


Spirits of the West, Spirits of Water,
wash us in gentle rain.
Revive our longing, and join us
in celebration of boundless possibility.

Hail and welcome!


Spirits of the South, Spirits of Earth,
clothe us in the finery of new growth.
Support our steps, and join us
in celebration of a world made green again.

Hail and welcome!


Spring Maiden

I call upon the Spring Maiden
Lady Eostre, come to us
Goddess of Earth, mother of all
With love we greet you
As night and day once again
Greet each other in passing.
Be with us, complete our circle,
And help us always to see your face
In all that lives.

Hail and Welcome!

Green Man

I call upon the Greenman,
Lord of the Forests, come to us
God of the growing light
With love we greet you
As night and day once again
Greet each other in passing.
Be with us, complete our circle
And help us always to see your face
In all that lives.

Hail and Welcome!


We can enter this time of the year by tenderly reclaiming childhood - pampering and honouring our child within - and just play and have fun, remembering the freedom and joys of childhood.

Now, in the playful spirit of the season, we're going to ring bells and dance, and then blow bubbles!

Firstly, think of what you want to leave behind in your life and shake that energy out into the universe with the cleansing ring of the bells as you dance or walk around the circle.

Next, think of what you want to bring into your life, and blow that intent into the bubbles to send your wishes off into the universe to manifest ...and have fun!


Spring Maiden

Goddess of Earth, mother of all
For the Spring
For your love
For your power
For the fertility of the world we share
For your presence within our circle
We thank you, and ask your blessing,
Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell.

Green Man

God of the growing light
For the Spring
For your warmth
For your power
For the lengthening day
For the energy that surrounds us
For your presence within our circle
We thank you, and ask your blessing,
Until we gather here again.

Hail and farewell.


Spirits of the South,
We thank you for your presence here
and ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever.

Hail and farewell.


Spirits of the West,
We thank you for your presence here
and ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever.

Hail and farewell.


Spirits of the North,
We thank you for your presence here
and ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever.

Hail and farewell.


Spirits of the East,
We thank you for your presence here
and ask for your blessing as you depart
May there be peace between us now and forever.

Hail and farewell.

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.