
Ritual written* and led by Karen
(March 2006)

Mabon is a harvest festival. When we look at the food on the table, we are reminded of how we are influenced by the seasons, even though we no longer sow and reap our own food. Through these symbols, we are linked with harvest rituals from antiquity.

The day is again a balance of light and dark. It is a time of rest after hard work gathering the harvest, and a time for thanksgiving. The Goddess is gathering Herself in, preparing to rest, making ready for the coldness of winter. The God moves into winter and into the Goddess' loving arms.

We watch the season change, the colours of hte leaves changing from lush green, to orange and yellow, finally brown, and then drop from the tree to cover the ground. The earth begins to cool, and we become more introspective, in preparation for Samhain.

We thank the Goddes for Her generositiy and reflect on the gifts we have received from Her in the foods that have sustained us. We also thank the God for the warmth and strength of the Sun, allowing the food to ripen and mature.

We begin to think over the goals we have set for ourselves, what we have achieved, and prepare for the turn of the Wheel.

(Selected from various works of Cunningham and Conway.)

Cast circle, saying -

I cast this circle round times three,
So we can make a space to be
In perfect peace and harmony.

Light the candles around the basket, saying -

I call upon the blessed Lady, queen of the harvest, giver of life and plenty. Bestow upon us your joy and beauty, power and prosperity, I do ask.

Salute the basket of leaves, saying -

I call upon the Lord of the harvest, sacred king, giver of riches and protection. Bestow upon us your strength and laughter, power and prosperity, I do ask.

Always has life fulfilled its cycle and led to life anew in the eternal chain of living. In honour of the Goddess and the God, we mark the fullness of our lives and the harvest of this year's lessons.

Walk three times around the circle, saying -

The year-wheel turns, and bounty comes.

Everyone take up their glass for the toast -

To the good seasons that have gone and the good ones yet to come. Blessed be.

To the Goddess! May She bring peace and fulfilment to all her children. Blessed be.

To the God! May He protect his followers and bring us prosperity and happiness. Blessed be.

Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.