Festival of Goodwill

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(June 2005)

It has long been a legend that at each Gemini full moon, that the full enlightenment of the pre-Christian era and the wisdom of the Buddha are re-linked to the cycle of the distribution of the energy of love, which is termed the "Christ principle."
This is, therefore, a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of a basic spiritual aspiration toward fellowship, of human and spiritual unity; and it represents the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ principle. It is known also as the Festival of Humanity or the Festival of Goodwill.

During this transitional period in history, at the beginning of one age and the end of another, the past and the future have swung into conflict. The Piscean influence is not yielding without struggle to the potent Aquarian energies, and the immediate effect is the destruction of the old forms so the new can be built. People know fear and separateness. At the same time, more and more people are seeking spiritual Reality, and a great expansion of consciousness is taking place. Indeed, history has always presented, on the one hand, the unspeakable cruelty of man to man, and on the other, the upholding of a vision in the hearts of men, and the constant struggle for human freedom and dignity.
Proof that the vision is not an idle dream lies in the achievements of individuals and groups working toward making the world a better place. This vision embodies as much of the Divine Plan as humans can grasp, not through the persuasion of scientific or philosophical proofs but through inner spiritual recognition.


Ring bell once say:
Hail Kuthumi
Come join our circle tonight
Guard & watch over us
Bring forth your knowledge & understanding
May we all live in harmony & peace
So mote it Be

Ring the bell once and say:
Hail Christ
Come join our circle tonight
Guard & watch over us
Bring forth your love & compassion
So that it touches & opens our hearts
So mote it be


Ring the bell once and say:
Hail Maha Chohan.
Come join our circle tonight
Guard & watch over us
Bring forth your intuition and emotion
So that we may feel the creators love
So mote it be


Ring the bell once and say:
Hail Djwal Kuhl.
Come join our circle tonight
Guard & watch over us
Bring forth your knowledge of the plan
So that we may see our destiny with in its design
So mote it be

I am the representative of the Goddess Kwan Yin.
I stand before You at the altar, in love and adoration.
Be with us Goddess Kwan Yin Goddess of Compassion, of  serenity, good fortune and peaceful enlightenment.
Come join us
Let Us feel your presence here tonight. Welcome

I am a representative of the Lord Maitreya
I stand before You at the altar, in honour and expectation.
Be with us Lord Maitreya, Master of Masters, World Teacher
Of peaceful enlightenment.
Come join us
Let Us feel your presence here tonight Welcome

A Meditation for the Festival of Goodwill

Enter into quietness, taking a few deep breaths.
See your physical, emotional, and lower mental bodies in alignment.
Visualize your flaming heart of Christ Light joining with other heart flames and pouring out upon the world the blessings from the "Centre- where the Will of Spirit is known." Visualize yourself and your fellow servers pouring forth this blessing.

We here now offer ourselves as a united channel.
As we align, clarify, and open to the inflow of energy,
We receive the illumination for the work to be done.
We all are One.



All honor and love to the wonderful Goddess, for She is the power behind all powers,
the Goddess behind all gods,
the Eternal Life behind death.
I see Her loving face within the moon and rejoice.
All Hail Goddess Kwan Yin, the eternal Wisdom


All honor and love to Maitreya the Master of Masters, for He is the power behind all powers,
the Lord behind all gods,
the Eternal Life behind death.
I see His face upon the Earth.
All Hail Lord Maitreya, the eternal Wisdom


Hail Djwal Kuhl.
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
And for sharing with us the knowledge of the plan
May we realize our destiny with in its design
Hail & Farewell

Hail Maha Chohan.
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
And for the intuition and emotion that has been shared
May we all feel the creators love
Hail & Farewell

Hail Christ
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
And for the love & compassion that has been shared
May it touch & opens our hearts
Hail & Farewell

Hail Kuthumi
We thank you for joining our circle tonight
And for the knowledge & understanding that has been shared
May we all live in harmony & peace
Hail & Farewell

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
and Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.