Council of All Beings

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(Friday 1/6/07)

Background Information...

Each year during the Gemini full moon the Theosophists conduct a festival called the Festival of Goodwill which is about deep invocation of a basic spiritual aspiration toward fellowship of human and spiritual unity; and it represents the effect in the human consciousness of the work of the Buddha and of the Christ principle.

Our circle will endeavour to tap into the energy being projected towards this vision of enlightenment but we will be working through the elementary forces of the planet. We will be allowing their energy and their voice to be heard and incorporated into this vision.

We will be working directly with the Elemental Rulers, Gaia the Earth Goddess and The Green man God of nature. They will assist us in the creation of the Council of All Beings where each participant will speak for a non-human being in a sharing circle. Rabbit, sun, turtle, frog, lion, earth, ant, river, pot-plant whatever being is presented to you.

Participants will meditate on this council and then will make masks to represent their allies, and then we enter a ritual gateway into t~e non-human world, inviting allies to take form in our bodies. We will lend them our human voices, and we move and sound as they do once we enter the gateway. The ritual will emerge spontaneously and choosing the non-human beings for whom we speak will take the form of a mini-vision quest or a shamanic journey where the spirit of our 'ally' chooses us. The Council can be understood as a ritual, or the channeling of nature spirits where the spirit of all beings can voice their wisdom and guidance.

The Ritual...


I call upon Paralda, Ancient Ruler of the element of air & sylphs
I call you to come forth and protect and charge this circle,
With the power of the winds.
Come forth,
So mote it be


I call upon Djin, Ancient Rule of the element of fire & salamanders
I call you to come forth and protect and charge this circle
With the power of the Flame.
Come forth,
So mote it be


I call upon Niksa, Ancient Ruler of the element of water & undines
I call you to come forth and protect and charge this circle
With the power of the tides.
Come forth,
So mote it be


I call upon Ghob, Ancient Ruler of the element of earth & gnomes
I call you to come forth and protect and charge this circle
With the power of rock.
Come forth
So mote it be

Charge this circle with your power, Rulers of the Elements, for as above, so below.


Goddess Gaia we call you forth tonight
We stand before you, in love and adoration.
Help us to honour your ways
Come join us in this coming together of All Beings
Let us feel your presence & guidance here tonight.


Oh Green man we call you forth tonight
We stand before you, in honour and expectation.
Help us to honour your nature
Come join us in this coming together of All Beings
Let us feel your presence & guidance here tonight.

Vision Quest

We will proceed on a vision quest or shamanic journey through music & dance to tap into the voice of all beings. Through this process your ally will voice their wisdom and we will then be given an opportunity to share our insights.

We here now offer ourselves as a united channel.
As we align, clarify, and open to the inflow of energy,
We receive the illuminationfor the work to be done.
We all are One.



Goddess Gaia we thank you for your presence
Thank you for your wisdom and for joining us in this coming together of All Beings
Hail & farewell


Green man we thank you for your presence
Thank you for your wisdom and for joining us in this coming together of All Beings
Hail & Farewell


Ghob, Ancient Ruler of the element of earth & the gnomes
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
And for sharing with us the knowledge of the earth
Hail & Farewell


Niksa, Ancient Ruler of the element of water & of undines
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
May we all feel the connection to all beings
Hail & Farewell


Djin, Ancient Rule of the element of fire & of salamanders
Thank you for joining our circle tonight
May our experience fire our hearts and our hopes
Hail & Farewell


Paralda, Ancient Ruler of the element of air & of sylphs
We thank you for joining our circle tonight
May we all share our knowledge & wisdom.
Hail & Farewell

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
and Merry Meet again.

* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.