Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(June 2006)


This is the third powerful Full Moon in the year and is the Full Moon of Goodwill for all humanity. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of focusing on the spiritual aspects and higher learning and wisdom, coupled with the fact of it being the Goodwill Full Moon we can focus on seeing/knowing all humanity in a state of peace, divinity and wisdom within themselves and all beings. The Sagittarius/Gemini polarity is also a very out there type of energy so a good time to be with others and have fun. Something we are learning now is that to be spiritual does not mean to be serious, but rather to express our joy; the energies of the full moon can enhance this.

This is a powerful pivotal month within this pivotal year with the 19 year Lunar Standstill reaching its exact centre point this month plus Pluto is still near Galactic Centre and the fixed Grand Cross.

Mythically we remember the Great Shining Ones are from the stars (the Pleiades, Ursa Major or the Big Dipper, and Sirius etc). They were the wise ones - the Magi - master builders who erected the standing stone circles and other megalithic sites around the world for the purpose of energizing and anchoring a crystalline grid connecting the Earth to the super computer of our intergalactic space-time grid. These days the galactic gateway is on the forefront of our experience as the Solstices are now aligned along the galactic plane for the first time in 13,000 years and Pluto is now aligned with Galactic Centre for the first time in 248 years.

The Tuatha De Danann came to Ireland from four mysterious cities located in the sky. They brought with them four magical tools or weapons and there were four associated seers. These four magical tools are important to the modern Celtic magician for the practice of magic and aids on the otherworld journeys.

The Ritual...


Oh great seer Esmas,
Ancient one of Gorias
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle,
With the power of the spear of Lugh
Come forth so mote it be


Oh great seer Usias
Ancient one of Findias
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
With the power of the sword of Nuada
Come forth so mote it be


Oh great seer Semias,
Ancient one of Murias,
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle
With the power of the cauldron of Dagda
Come forth so mote it be


Oh great seer Morfessa,
Ancient one of Falias,
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle
With the power of the Stone of Lia Fail
Come forth so mote it be

Invocation to Danu

Oh great Goddess Danu
Goddess of wisdom and the wind
Goddess of fertility and abundance
Mother of the Tuatha Da Danaan
We call you tonight to draw near us
We seek your ways and your understanding
Welcome - so mote it be

Invocation to Bile

Oh great God Bile
Consort to Danu
God of death, God of darkness
We call you tonight to enlighten our minds
We seek to understand your ways
Welcome - so mote it be


To connect with the Shining ones, to strengthen our understanding of their purpose.

We will be sending healing to humanity and to those that are victims of sexual predators.

We will be using music and sound to raise energy and to connect to the crystalline grids.



Oh Great Goddess Danu
Thank you for showing us your ways
We thank you for your healing
Hail & Farewell


Oh Great God Bile
Thank you for showing us your ways
We thank you for your healing
Hail & Farewell


Oh great seer Morfessa,
Ancient one of Falias,
Thank you for your guidance & protection
With the power of the Stone of Lia Fail
Hail & Farewell


Oh great seer Semias,
Ancient one of Murias,
Thank you for your guidance & protection
With the power of the cauldron of Dagda
Hail & Farewell


Oh great seer Usias
Ancient one of Findias
Thank you for your guidance & protection
With the power of the sword of Nuada
Hail & Farewell


Oh great seer Esmas,
Ancient one of Gorias
Thank you for your guidance & protection
With the power of the spear of Lugh
Hail & Farewell

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.