Cancer Full Moon in Capricorn

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(July 18, 2008)

Background Information...

The Moon in Capricorn with Sun in Cancer is all about the structures, work and goals you make in regards your life, security and home. Are you focused on merely your insecurities about how you live or are you ready to break through your limitations and adapt to your own life's true potential? Are your goals merely for the little you or are they for the initiate you, the co-creator who is here creating Heaven on Earth? You have the cosmic energies with you to start moving into the bigger picture of your purpose on Earth and what you are here to achieve from the level of yourself as a Co-creator.

In tonight's ritual each participant will work with the essence of their Moon's nodes. They are points where at the moment of birth the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersects with the Earth's path around the Sun. The North Node, also known as the Dragon's Head, is the ascending point. The South Node, known as the Dragon's Tail, is the descending point.

The North Node directs us towards the future; the South Node represents the well-trodden path of the past. As the North Node represents the path ahead and the South Node represents the past, integrating these energies enables us to expand our consciousness without becoming stuck in old, self-limiting patterns of behaviour.

The Divine's gift to us at this particular lunation lies in the interplay of the elements: Capricorn representing earth & Cancer water; earth mixed with water makes clay. As told in ancient creation myths, the stirring together of elements resulted in the earth and all its creatures. In the same way, by mixing these two elements together in a sacred way, working with the energy of our moon's nodes we can work magic to invoke the spirit of creativity and our true purpose into our lives.

The Ritual...

Everyone walks in single file with beat of the drum entering the circle from the Southern Quarter.


Oh Goddess Danu, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the breath of the Dragon
So mote it be


Oh Goddess Rhiannon Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the head of the Dragon
So mote it be


Oh Goddess Vivienne, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the body of the Dragon
So mote it be


Oh Goddess Cerridwen, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the tail of the Dragon
So mote it be

Casting Circle...

A circle is cast around about,
spirit stay in, world stay out;
a circle is cast around about,
a world within a world without;
the circle is cast around and around,
in spirit and power we are now bound.


Goddess Brigid
Goddess of Earth, Sea and Sky
Mistress of Wisdom and Inspiration
Come be with us tonight
May your Nine-fold Blessings be upon all who join us here
Hail & Welcome


Great God Lugh, God of fire and light
Oh shining one
God of healing, journeys and prophecy.
Join and bless our circle.
Hail & Welcome

Meditation Brigid and the Sacred Well

Intent - Moving Forward

Now (with the music "Across the Universe" playing) think of the work you have been given to accomplish in life. Next, place some of the earth in the palm of your left hand, while honouring the earth element of Capricorn. Think of your aspirations, where you want to go in your life. Now sprinkle a few drops of water into your right hand, honouring the water element in Cancer. Think of the flow of emotion, the blessings of nurture and compassion. Mix the two together and hold your hands up in the air.

Across the Universe

Cupping your two palms together in a gesture of prayer, think of what you want to bring into your life and give thanks to Brigid. Holding your hands over the bowl, rinse your hands with the remaining water, allowing your energy then to flow into the bowl; once everyone has released their energy into the water a procession will move to the open park where we will pour our energy back into the earth, for healing of the earth.



Goddess Brigid
Goddess of Earth, Sea and Sky
Mistress of Wisdom and Inspiration
Thank you for being with us tonight
Hail & Farewell


Great God Lugh, God of fire and light
Oh shining one
God of healing, journeys and prophecy.
Thank you for being with us tonight
Hail & Farewell


Oh Goddess Cerridwen, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I thank you for coming forth and protecting and charging this circle
And bringing forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the tail of the Dragon
Hail & Farewell


Oh Goddess Vivienne, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I thank you for coming forth and protecting and charging this circle
And bringing forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the body of the Dragon
Hail & Farewell


Oh Goddess Rhiannon Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I thank you for coming forth and protecting and charging this circle
And bringing forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the head of the Dragon
Hail & Farewell


Oh Goddess Danu, Keeper of Avalon,
Ancient one
I thank you for coming forth and protecting and charging this circle
And bringing forth your knowledge and wisdom
By the breath of the Dragon
Hail & Farewell

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.