Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(July 2006)

This full moon we will be celebrating the birth of the Sun, and a new growth cycle. It is a time when a great amount of Cosmic energy is given too us to heighten our vibrations and expand our awareness. Each year the energy is increased as we awaken and attain our fulfilment.

At the Winter Solstice we started our inner journey and purification, now we are completing and ready to step into the new and heightened frequencies through the Sun.

The sun-worshiping Mayans considered the Solar Plexus the point from which our solar umbilical cords extend out to the sun, connecting us via the sun the 'womb of the Great Mother' at the centre of the Milky Way which the Mayans consider the galactic core and birthplace of the universe. The Earth and our Sun's ecliptic realign with this galactic core on solstice 2012, when the Mayan calendar ends with the prophesied 'return of Quetzalcoatl', the Winged Serpent-global kundalini awakening?

Almost every ancient culture in the world has serpents representing the Creation and Beginning of Time, so it is implicit that this coming 'End' of Time as we know it is somehow also the Beginning, as the great Serpent bites its own tail in a Cosmic Moebius Strip loop.

A series of Global Chakra Workings are being performed at each of Gaia's seven chakra points between October 1999 and December 2012. These rituals will help activate Gaia's own rising Kundalini and will help to resonate humanity's awakening through the Group mind.


From the land of the East comes the dragon of Air.
I call upon Mighty Sairys to guard the Eastern Gate.
Come lend your energies to this circle that there may be wisdom in all that we do.
Sairys, hail and welcome


From the land the North, comes the dragon of the cleansing power of Fire.
I call upon Mighty Fafnir to guard the Northern Gate.
Come lend your energies to this circle that we may create joy and enthusiasm
Fafnir, hail and welcome


From the lands of the West, comes the dragon of the purifying power of Water.
I call upon Mighty Naelyan to guard the Western Gate.
Come lend your energies to this circle that we may have the courage to listen to our inner voice and act as needed.
Naelyan, hail and welcome


From the lands of the South, comes the dragon of the sustaining power of Earth.
I call upon Mighty Grael to guard the Southern Gate.
Come lend your energies to this circle that we may have the strength to delve into the mysteries of the universe.
Grael, hail and welcome

Goddess Gaia

I call upon the Mother Gaia to join us
We stand before You at the altar, with love and adoration.
Your heart beat is our heart beat
Your breath is our breath
Join with us now so that we may understand the meaning of compassion, serenity, peace, healing & enlightenment.
Oh Gaia Let Us feel your presence here tonight.
Hail & Welcome


I call upon the great Solar serpent
The bringer of the light and the truth
We stand before You at the altar, in honour and expectation.
Help us to align ourselves with the higher vibrations so we can transcend our limitations
Oh great Solar serpent come let Us feel your presence here tonight.
Hail & Welcome


We here now offer ourselves as a united channel.
As we align, clarify, and open to the inflow of energy,
We receive the illumination for the work to be done.
We all are One.
So mote it be.

Meditation to open the chakras and align ourselves to earth & cosmic centre.Toning Ah through the solar plexus

Dance of the Solar Serpent begins while all chant the chakra tone. The serpent weaves around the circle accompanied by drums and percussion.



We thank the Mother Gaia for joining us tonight
Your heart beat is our heart beat
Your breath is our breath
May we be ever aware of your love & presence. Hail & farewell


We thank the great Solar serpent for joining us tonight.
You are the bringer of the light and the truth
May the solar light shine brightly from within us. Hail & Farewell


From the lands of the South, we thank the mighty dragon Grael for guarding & protecting the Southern Gate.
Grael, hail and farewell


From the lands of the West, we thank the mighty dragon Naelyan for guarding and protecting the Western Gate.
Naelyan, hail and farewell


From the land the North, we thank the mighty dragon Fafnir for guarding & protecting the Northern Gate.
Fafnir, hail and farewell


From the land of the East we thank the mighty dragon Sairys for guarding & protecting the Eastern Gate.
Sairys, hail and welcome

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.