(Ritual written by Gwyneira Morgana)



This, our first circle of 2005 celebrates and encourages us to embrace the Aquarius/Leo Full Moon. At this time we can understand that the Full Moon is a time when opposing energies culminate, offering us the opportunity to experience, explore and potentially resolve the conflicts  represented and initiated by the signs concerned. In this instance, we can know that the Aquarian Sun is expressing the dynamics of group energy, social responsibility and equality, while the Leo Moon reflects this energy through the expression of the individual. This Full Moon then teaches us the manner in which the individual reveals the true nature of the whole, each individual containing  the completeness of the whole. We can here remember the principles of the hologram - that within each individual piece of any hologram, no matter how it may differ in shape or size, will be seen the whole. Many indeed believe that this is the way that the manifest world works - each individual part revealing the whole, giving unique expression to it in their time and space.
Our intent then will be through our experience of the group to clarify the expression of ourselves. In this way, we will directly:


After smudging, each person enters the circle, finding a place that is comfortable.
After grounding and centering, the salt, water, incense and candle are blessed by those who are calling the
corresponding quarters. After then all has been blessed, the circle is cast first with incense, and then with salt water.
Then all together honour this land in song...
Gundrah A oo noo Nungeenah tya
Gundrah Lah oo oo noo
Yahma koora, yahma koora
Nungeena tya
Yahma koora


Star Spirits of the East
That rise even now over the ocean,
Spirits that dwell within the crab.
Guide & guard this place,
Guide & guard us.
We Welcome you
So Mote It Be

Star Spirits of the North
That shine now high overhead,
Spirits of the Pleiades, that dwell within the Bull.
Guide & guard this place,
Guide & guard us.
We Welcome you
So Mote It Be

Star Spirits of the West
That set even now over the earth,
Spirits that dwell within the fish goat.
Guide & guard this place,
Guide & guard us.
We Welcome you
So Mote It Be

Star Spirits of the South
That support now from beneath the earth,
Spirits of the Arcturians, those that dwell within the serpent.
Guide & guard this place,
Guide & guard us.
We Welcome you
So Mote It Be



Above the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit.
She bends  in ecstasy to kiss
The secrets of Hadit
By my breast
By the wise
I weave my spell
Show us your starry splendor
Bide with us this night


God of the Earth
In the Earth
And under the Earth
Great Cackler
Father of all
By my flesh
By my bones
I weave my spell
Show us your  fertile strength
Bide with us this night.

As Sky meets the Earth
And Earth meets the Sky
Be as One

In order to begin the process of moving and raising power, all sing while allowing an awareness of the energies raised to permeate their being:


We are opening, We are opening
We are opening, We are opening
We are opening up in sweet surrender
To the luminous love light of the One
We are opening up in sweet surrender
To the luminous love light of the One

I am the earth moving under all
I am the air flowing over all
I am the fire in the heart and the soul
I am the ocean of love.


Once there was a young girl born to a family that already had more children than could be reliably accounted for. Luckily however, the family into which she was born was a prosperous one - her parents being of the noble class. Her birth then was a matter for great celebration, and she was as welcomed and as loved as any child could be.
Now not a long time after her birth, herparents  were called away on urgent matters of state - for indeed with privilege comes responsibility, and, though we are not told why, they were not seen or heard from again. The young girl and her family were though well provided for, and grew up well loved and well cared for by family and friends. Indeed, her and all her  siblings were noted for their fair  manners, excellent study habits and congenial natures.
Years went by, and it was not long  before the young girl had become a young lady, and while adolescence can bring with it a degree of change, the change that came over this young lady surprised all. It was not that she became rebellious, or even badly behaved - it was more that she began to shrink into herself -
becoming more and more preoccupied, forgetful - some even said a little odd. Most thought it to be just a faze, and, not really knowing what else to do, left her to work it out for herself.  One  person however, a wise old Aunt decided that someone had to have courage enough to brooch the subject, and., choosing her moment with care - when all was quiet and no-one else was around,  she asked the young girl what was wrong. For what seemed  like an eternity silence hung, and then all at once it all poured out;
I am blessed with such privilege, such good fortune, I know that I should not complain - I should be happy, content - but I am not
The Aunt listened in silence.
For all my good fortune and privilege, I don't know who I am. I cannot remember my parents, and though I hear stories from time to time, I cannot see myself in their eyes, in their actions, in them., and if I don't know who I came from, how can I know who I am?
The Aunt though for a moment, then said simply to her - you are right, and I am glad that you have told me, for this can be remedied far more simply than can be imagined. Make sure that you are to dinner on time, and we will pursue this after we have eaten.
That night the large family gathered as was the norm. After dinner all stayed at the table chatting - again, as was the norm. As the evening grew older however the wise old Aunt stood, and shared the young ladies dilemma. She explained how, being the youngest, she had no memory of her parents, and how her life was for her incomplete - not knowing who her parents were.
And so she asked each to take a moment and consider what attribute of the parents each had that they shared with the young girl. One by one, the young girl heard how her eyes were not only like her big brothers, but also like her Mothers, and how her ability to calm a fretting animal was not only like her third oldest sisters ability to do the same, but also like her Fathers. One by one the family shared how in them could be seen the reflection of her parents And how, whenever she sought to know herself better, she could do so through them.


Many of us, like the young girl in the story, develop at some point in our lives something of an identity crisis, a sense that, in not really   knowing where we came from - not really knowing our creator, we don't know who we are. Like though the girl in the story, we are also able to see the divine - our parents in our brothers and sisters. Indeed, when we see something beautiful in another, that is a reflection of the divinity that we carry - a reminder of our own sacredness.
We will then take a moment to embrace our divine awareness, and then, taking a moment or two with each person in this circle, recognise the aspect of the divine that is reflected back to us through their presence.
Ideally, each of us will find a single word to describe the most prominent, positive aspect, and by writing this word down on the back of our programs for tonight, each of us will this night have a description of ourselves that is a reflection of this group.
While we do so, those who would like to can sing the following:


I am the one
And the union of opposites.
I am the mystery,
I am calling you in my dreams,
I am bringing you home to me.


Mighty Geb, 
we thank you for your
blessings and power,
Hail & Farewell

Beautiful Nuit,
we thank you for your
freedom and grace,
Hail & Farewell

Star Spirits of the South,
We thank you for guiding and
guarding us,
Hail & Farewell.

Star Spirits of the West,
We thank you for guiding and
guarding  us,
Hail & Farewell.

Star Spirits of the North,
We thank you for guiding and
guarding us,
Hail & Farewell.

Star Spirits of the East,
We thank you for guiding and
guarding us,
Hail & Farewell.

May the Circle be open, but unbroken,
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry meet, Merry part & Merry meet again