Full Moon in Virgo - Osiris Rising
Total Lunar Eclipse & Star Alignment of Bellatrix in Orion

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(February 15, 2008)

This Full Moon is in Virgo and will assist greatly with healing and being of service which is polarized by the Sun in Pisces. The cosmic flow of divine energy from this full moon is one to assist humanity out of their fears and the consequent disharmony caused by this. This full moon will also illuminate the beauty that lies within, that your body is Liquid Light Plasma and your temple. When honoured and loved you will experience all the joys of embodiment, you will go beyond all limitations and fears and you will become One with all creation.

Star Alignment of Bellatrix in Orion

Bellatrix (blue star, top right) in the Orion Constellation

A star alignment is when the star or star constellation in question is aligned back into the earth plane in harmony with us. During the time of the lunar eclipse there will be a star alignment with Bellatrix, 'the Conqueror' which is in the constellation of Orion, the saucepan in the sky, a very familiar sight to the Southern hemisphere sighted all year round and in the Northern hemisphere sighted as the Hunter. Orion has a very strong connection with Earth and to the Ancient Egyptians was the star system the eternal pharaoh returned to. Osiris the Pharaoh/God, who was tricked by Seth and cut into parts that were then gathered back again by Isis/Sirius his sister/wife and unified.

At our full moon ceremony we will be calling upon Osiris & Isis to aid us in the process of gathering our fragments and embracing all dark and light within us in divine love. This process will bring about a healing and a new understanding of our unified divinity.

Hexagram (Star of David): The six-pointed star is found throughout the world. It was referred to as the "Seal of Solomon". This star is based on an occult Hebrew text called the Kabbalah.

Beyond the Kabbalistic interpretation, the hexagram has had a long history of occult usage going back the Egyptian mystery religion. Throughout this time the meaning of the Star of David has always remained the same -- it represents the cosmic union of good and evil, of light and darkness, of destruction and creativity. Freemasonry uses it to portray the male and female generative powers of the universe and Rosicrucians embrace the symbol for its esoteric properties. Other western occult societies claim that rituals which incorporate the Star of David are extremely potent. And within witchcraft the hexagram is viewed as having a high degree of magic and of being one of its most important emblems.

The Ritual...

Earth pentagram used for each quarter.


Oh mighty Amunet
You are the air, you are the stargate
You are the eternal breath that lives within
Let it bring us to a new consciousness.
Oh mighty Amunet I call for you now
So mote it be.


Oh mighty RA with your Fire transforms us
The divine illumination
May your light descend and fill our hearts and minds.
Let the fire empowers us
Oh mighty RA I call for you now
So Mote it be.


Oh mighty Naunet with your primordial watery abyss
May your energy shift us
Connect to us
With your mutability bring forth your intuition.
Oh mighty Naunet I call for you now
So mote it be.


Oh mighty Geb, with the cosmic darkness ground us
Let the Earth regenerate us,
Let it take the substance of our being and make us new.
Oh mighty Geb I call for you now
So Mote it be.


Oh Mighty Isis thou who art in matter manifest. Bride and queen as thou art mother and daughter of the Slain One. Thou who art the Lady of the Earth. Hear us, O Lady Isis, hear and save. Thou Lady of the amber skin. Lady of love and of victory, bright gate of glory through the darkening skies. O crowned with the Light and life and love.
Oh Might Isis I call you now
Come to us
So mote it be.


Oh Osiris Triumphant. Even Osiris Onnophris the Justified One. He who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit of the eternal Gods. Lord of Life. Triumphant over Death, and whosoever partaketh shall arise with you. Manifester in Matter of Those whose abode is the Invisible. The purified who stands upon the Universe. The Reconciler with the eternal Gods. The Perfector of Matter, and for without the Universe is not.
Oh mighty Osiris I call you now
So mote it be

The Working

Activity: Writing the things you want to bring into your lives in the three sections of the body diagrams handed out (legs/abdomen - physical; chest/arms - emotional; head - spiritual). Then cutting the paper "bodies" into the three sections to represent going through a process of dismembering. All the pieces are then collected by Isis and placed in a box.

Osiris Rising Meditation

Isis goes around the circle randomly handing the parts back to each person, and after some contemplation of the different parts received and the things listed on them, everyone will then go around the circle to retrieve their own parts, which are to be kept until the actual full moon (21/2/08) and burned on the night to release those energies.



We thank you great Goddess Isis
For your divine presence
Hail and farewell


We thank you almighty Osiris
For your divine presence,
Hail and farewell.
May love and peace reside in all our hearts.


Geb Mighty God of Earth
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Naunet Mighty Goddess of Water
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Ra, Mighty God of Fire
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.


Amunet, Mighty Goddess of Air
We thank you and honour you
Hail and Farewell.

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.