Summer Solstice

(Solstice exact at 5:35am AEDT 22/12/05)
Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon 16/12/05
(Full Moon 3:15am AEDT, 23.48 degrees Gemini, 16/12/05)

Ritual written* by Jenny and led by Alana,
Charm bags section written and led by Heather,
Peace Ceremony and Meditation written* and led by Janine.

(Friday 16/12/05)


The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration. In Gemini we have the twin aspects celebrating co-operation in unison; the individual parts remain unique but are now able to align in the polarisation of Sagittarius as it shoots straight to the heart. This is a time to celebrate our diversity in oneness, a great time for a party and to express gratitude for the blessings of our life and the abundance we are and share in joy and love.

Midsummer is the period of time centred upon the Summer Solstice. In the old Germanic calendar, it was referred to as Litha. It is a time of triumph of light, when the powers of nature reach their highest point and the Earth is awash in fertility. Flowers are in full bloom, the days are long, and the nights are hot and dry. Midsummer shares many of the same bawdy, carefree qualities of Beltaine. It is a celebration of summer, passion, and success. The sun's power peaks, but in one magical moment begins to wane. It's time to celebrate the power that brings things to fulfilment and brightens our lives. Midsummer is also said to be a mystical time when the forces of magic are increased and elves and fairies roam our world in great numbers. As portrayed in Shakespeare's A Mid-summer Night's Dream it is a night of romance and confusion.

At this combined Full Moon & Midsummer celebration we are asking the Goddess Freya and the God Frey to join us. Freya and Frey are twins, and as such they connect well with the Gemini influence of this full moon. They both have a strong affinity with the faery realm, as Frey is also the King of the Alfs (Elves) in Alfheim ("elf home") and sometimes Freya, who had her own realm and palace in Vanaheim, visited her twin brother in Alfheim where she loved to watch the elves and fairies dance in the moonlight. She rewarded them with sweet honey and the daintiest flowers. Frey and Freya are also both associated with the sun, with Frey being the Norse Sun God and Freya wearing the Brisingamen, or the circle of sunfire, which represents the solar year. Through all of this, and more, Freya and Frey bring together the various themes of this combined Full Moon and Summer Solstice celebration.

Freya is called the Lady, the Great Goddess, famed for her great beauty, and is often known as "The Fair One". She is the Goddess of the Norse; enchantress, leader of the Valkyries, ruler over the dead in Valhalla and the Sage who inspires all women in their creative endeavours. She is a Goddess of love, fertility, prosperity, magick, destiny, shape-shifting, shamanism, childbirth, children, home, protection, weaving and when called upon - war. Around her neck she wears the "Brisingamen" necklace of amber (which she obtained from the dwarves) made of the 4 elements, that allows her courage over all obstacles. Wrapped in a falcon cloak, she is able to shape-shift into a bird of prey, to satisfy her need of solutions. In one hand she carried a staff of wisdom that transforms into a sword at need. At her belt, holding her dress together, a charm pouch. In her aspect as the maiden Gullveig, She is Goddess of the peaceful realm of the Vanir, one of two tribes in the Norse myth of creation. She represents the Mother as her chariot is pulled across the sky by her two large male cats, Brygun and Trejgun. Her sacred necklace of gold, the Brisingamen, is the circle of sunfire whose round is the solar year. As Mother, her absence in the winter leaves the Earth covered in a cloak of mourning awaiting her return in the Spring. As the Crone, Heidi is another aspect of Freya, the Wise Woman Witch that wonders the world casting spells and prophesying. As Heidi, Goddess Freya taught women-kind Seidr, her secret female-only teachings, which were an extremely powerful form of Shamanic magick and spirituality. Through her teachings we are reminded of the triple Goddess of self. The Maiden filled with desires and adventure in life and love, the Mother filled with the courage to call forth the warrior of self - true to our own authenticity in Goddess and the Crone whose ancient magick we embrace in balance.

Frey is Freya's twin brother and is the Norse horned God of fertility, and has some similarities to the Celtic Cernunnos or Herne, although he is NOT the same being. He is also the god of sunshine, summer showers, as well as the patron of agriculture and bountiful harvests. He was born in Vanaheim but was welcome among the gods in Asgard and was given the realm of Alfheim. Frey is King of the Alfs (Elves), and in Alfheim he lived among the elves and fairies and is especially connected with the blessings and worship given to the ancestral spirits and possibly land-spirits. He is both a god of peace and a brave warrior. The gods gave Frey a magical sword which had the ability of fighting on its own upon removing it from its sheath. His sword was also symbolic of a sun ray. The dwarves gave Frey a golden boar, "Gullenbursti", which is supposed to represent the daybreak. To travel over air and water Frey sometimes rode or harnessed the boar to a chariot. Frey is the most prominent and most beautiful of the male members of the Vanir, and is called 'God of the World'. Frey's priests at Uppsala were said to ring bells and clap their hands with effeminate gestures, and it has been suggested that this cryptic reference hints at a tradition involving shamanic cross-dressing. After the merging of the Aesir and the Vanir, Frey was called 'Lord of the Aesir'. He was called on for protection in battle, for frith (fruitful peace) at home, and for good weather and gentle rains. He was, and is, often thought of as a giver of riches, whose blessing is called on for fruitfulness and growth in all fields of endeavour.


Enter the room and form a Circle (Fairy Ring)
The leader (Alana) says the following introduction:

Our circle tonight is very close to Midsummer or Litha; a time when the Sun's power peaks, but in one magical moment begins to wane. It is a time to celebrate the ending of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning year, in preparation for the harvest and abundance to come.

Like Midsummer, the Full Moon is also a time of completion and celebration. This month we are celebrating the Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon where we have the twin aspects manifesting co-operation in unison. This is a time to celebrate our diversity in oneness and to express gratitude for the blessings of our life and the abundance we share, in joy and love.

Midsummer is a time for children and childlike play, so with that in mind, as we reflect upon the waning year and review our achievements so far, it would be a fitting gesture to share some of our abundance with a children's charity.

We can also take some time to reflect upon those things we hold sacred and to consider what we wish to bring into our own lives in the coming year.

Midsummer is a mystical time when the forces of magic are increased, the boundaries between the worlds are thin, when mortals have strange experiences and elves and fairies roam our world in great numbers.


Two people are chosen to cleanse the circle:

By Air and by Fire may this circle be blessed, cleansed and sanctified. (Repeat while walking sunwise around the perimeter of the circle 3 times with incense or a smudge stick.)

By Water and by Earth may this circle be blessed, cleansed and sanctified. (Repeat while walking sunwise around the perimeter of the circle 3 times flicking salted water from a bowl or chalice.)

The leader walks sunwise around the circle 3 times with the athame, and saying 3 times...

Three times the Circle round
Three times the Circle bound.

...while everyone visualises electric blue energy flowing from the athame, marking the boundary of the circle. Everyone then visualises this electric blue circle expanding to form a dome, encompassing the whole ritual area, and extending down into the earth, forming into a complete sphere of pulsing glowing light.



Oh mighty Lord Paralda, King of the Sylphs,
Spirit of Air, Wisdom and Intellect.
I call upon you to attend this circle and guard this Fairy Ring between worlds,
and bring light and air from the east to illuminate and enliven it.
Hail and Welcome!


Oh mighty Lord Djin, King of the Salamanders,
Spirit of Fire, Passion and Creativity.
I call upon you to attend this circle and guard this Fairy Ring between worlds,
and bring light and fire from the north to illuminate and warm it.
Hail and Welcome!


Oh mighty Lord Nicksa, King of the Undines,
Spirit of Water, Transformation and Flow.
I call upon you to attend this circle and guard this Fairy Ring between worlds,
and bring light and water from the west to illuminate and cleanse it.
Hail and Welcome!


Oh mighty Lord Ghob, King of the Gnomes,
Spirit of Earth, Strength and Stability.
I call upon you to attend this circle and guard this Fairy Ring between worlds,
and bring light and earth from the south to illuminate and strengthen it.
Hail and Welcome!

Leader (Alana) says...

By Air, Fire, Water and Earth
This Circle is Cast,
So Mote It Be!

Invocation to the Goddess Freya

Freya, Great Goddess of love, peace and war,
The Fair One, with magick to fly and soar
like a falcon; she wears a cloak of feathers
and shapeshifts to further her endeavours.

Wearing the necklace of amber and sunfire,
Won from Faery, twas the price of desire.
Across the sky in a chariot she's drawn
by two large cats, to greet the dawn.

She is Maiden, full of laughter and fun.
She is Mother, protector of both daughter and son.
She is Crone, the Wise Woman casting spells,
weaving her magick as legend tells.

Great Goddess Freya I call upon thee!
Come to us now, hear our plea
to be with us here in this Fairy Ring
with music and flowers as we dance and sing.

Grant us your gifts of love, laughter and light
as we celebrate Summer and all its delight.
Freya, Mistress of Magick - we welcome you!
So Mote It Be!

Invocation to the God Frey

Frey, Great God of the golden grain,
of nurturing sunshine and gentle rain.
Radiant Lord who gives all things good,
Bull in the field, and Stag in the wood.

Riding the skies on the golden boar
bestowing blessings at daylight's door.
Great Stag, Green Man and Elfin-King;
happiness, peace and love he does bring.
Scattering flowers and fruit on the Earth,
and blessings of plenty in marriage and birth.

Oh mighty Frey I call upon thee!
Come to us now, hear our plea
to be with us here in this Fairy Ring
with music and flowers as we dance and sing.

Grant us your gifts of love, peace and wealth
as we celebrate Summer with friends and good health.
Frey of the deep green woods - we welcome you!
So Mote It Be!


The charm pouches we are to make will contain items which represent what we hold sacred and things we wish to bring into our lives in the year to come. Added to these items will be herbs and crystals which are appropriate to our individual intentions.

Leader (Alana) says...

Here as we approach Midsummer
when the days are longest
and the nights are shortest,
And the Gods of the Sun are glorious in their power and strength
We make our offerings
And ask for aid in the coming year.

Circle members can step forward and put donations for a children's charity in a box on the altar now, or later after the circle.

The Charm Pouches

Heather has written, and will lead, this next section on charm bags...

Charm bags are a very simple form of magick; they're used to channel personal energies for a specific goal. You can wear or carry it with you, hang it on your bed, place it on your altar, or even bury it. The choice is yours.

Along with the sacred things you have brought with you, please choose whatever you like from the herbs and crystals I have placed on the altar. If you don't need anything else to add that's fine; also take a piece of felt and some ribbon then return to your seat. As you place each item in the centre of the square hold it and charge it with your energy, thinking all the time of the things you want to bring in.

Now gather up the material and wrap the ribbon around it three times and tie three knots to secure it. When you have finished, place it on the altar.

Blessing Chant

May the powers of the One, the source of all creation, all pervasive, omnipotent, eternal,
May the Goddess, the Lady of the Moon and the God, Horned Hunter of the Sun,
May the Powers of the Spirits of the Stones,
May the Powers of the Stars above and the Earth below bless this place,
and this time, and all who are here.
May the Powers of all I have called bless these gifts we have made and
charge them with all that is positive and good.

Health I bring you, happiness too.
Wealth herein and all for you.
Perfect love and perfect peace,
the world will dance as one.
I dream the wish to make it real.

One by one come and pick up your bag and wave it through the smoke of the Dragons Blood incense, re-affirm your wish and return to your place in the circle.


My path is an ancient one.
My heart is true and wise.

I celebrate the fertile green earth
and see with open eyes.

I seek the mysteries of the moon,
and dance beneath its gaze.

I pay homage to the Goddess
and lift my arms to her in praise.


Peace Ceremony

(led by Janine)

In light of the recent riots and violence in the Southern suburbs we decided to conduct a ceremony of peace during our ritual tonight.

Janine guided us through a meditation, then we all recited the Great Invocation. A blue candle was passed around the circle as we all chanted "om" (or "aum") and each person held the candle for a little while, sending thoughts of love, light and peace.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into human hearts.
May all beings dwell in the heart.
From the Center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills--
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
So mote it be.

Energy Raising

The making & blessing of the charm pouches will be followed by dancing, ringing bells & drumming etc to raise energy.

The leader (Alana) will at some point direct the dancing and music to stop and we will all chant several times...

Air so healing
Fire empowering
Water connecting
Earth manifesting

Once the energy has peaked, Alana will indicate when it is time to repeat the last line of the chant...

Earth manifesting!
Earth manifesting!!
Earth manifesting!!!

...and visualise ourselves sending a burst of rainbow light to all the charm pouches on the altar to manifest our magical intent.



We thank you Great Goddess Freya
For your divine presence here tonight
Hail and farewell.


We thank you almighty Frey
For your divine presence here tonight
Hail and farewell.


Hail and farewell Lord Ghob, King of the Gnomes,
Spirit of Earth, Strength and Stability.
I thank you for your presence
Depart in peace, let our will be done
So mote it be!


Hail and farewell Lord Nicksa, King of the Undines,
Spirit of Water, Transformation and Flow.
I thank you for your presence
Depart in peace, let our will be done
So mote it be!


Hail and farewell Lord Djin, King of the Salamanders,
Spirit of Fire, Passion and Creativity.
I thank you for your presence
Depart in peace, let our will be done
So mote it be!


Hail and farewell Lord Paralda, King of the Sylphs,
Spirit of Air, Wisdom and Intellect.
I thank you for your presence
Depart in peace, let our will be done
So mote it be!

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
and Merry Meet again.

(4) Photos by Alana
The Cauldron
The Altar
Karen and Wendy

* This ritual is a combination of the authors' original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.