Full Moon in Aquarius & Partial Lunar Eclipse

Ritual written* and led by Janine Donnellan
(August 15, 2008)

Cat's Eye Nebula in the constellation of Draco (from Wikimedia Commons)

Background Information...

This Lunar Eclipse creates energy for the shift in consciousness for humanity on deep inner levels. Hidden aspects will be brought to the surface for healing and so for some this may not be an easy time and for others it will be a time of fine tuning.

The Full Moon in Aquarius gives us an opportunity to create new ways of thinking and being. We are given the opportunity to look at others and the world in love and as a sister/brotherhood, we are all one.

In tonight's ritual we will be creating a visualization of a octahedron, a double pyramid reflecting 'as above so below' a key factor in reaching oneness or enlightenment. Resonating to the higher vibration of 8 and the symbol of infinity.

We will be connecting to Tiamat a female dragon that personifies the saltwater ocean, the water of Chaos. She is also the primordial mother of all that exists, including the gods themselves. She is the frightening Unknown of "formless primordial matter" sacrificially recreated as the very beauty of Earth itself. Her consort is Apsu, the personification of the freshwater abyss that lies beneath the Earth. From their union, saltwater with freshwater, the first pair of gods were born.

We also are connecting to the constellation Draco which represents the Ouroboros, a serpent or dragon biting its own tail. It symbolizes the undifferentiated, the totality, primordial unity, self-sufficiency. It is the circle of disintegration and reintegration, power that eternally consumes and renews itself, the eternal cycle, cyclic time, spatial infinity, truth and cognition in one, the united primordial parents, the primeval waters, darkness before creation, the restriction of the universe in the chaos of the waters before the coming of light, the potential before actualization.

At this time we are asked be real, to honour the pain we feel, to honor our humanness, and to have compassion for the struggle of others. Only unconditional acceptance of all emotion -- especially pain -- not the suppression of it, opens the transmutative process within transformation of our lives and to set us free.

The Ritual...


Oh Mighty Dragons of Air
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be.


Oh Mighty Dragons of Fire
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be


Oh Mighty Dragons of Water
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be


Oh Mighty Dragons of Earth
I call thee to come forth and protect and charge this circle.
Bring forth your knowledge and wisdom
So mote it be

Casting Circle...

A circle is cast around about,
spirit stay in, world stay out;
a circle is cast around about,
a world within a world without;
the circle is cast around and around,
in spirit and power we are now bound.


Oh Tiamat Dragon of Chaos
Primordial Mother,
We offer ourselves to you today,
We offer this place, this time,
We recognize our selves as cells within your mighty being,
And ask that your presence rise up in acceptance of this offering,
Hail & Welcome


Great Apsu of the freshwater Abyss
We call upon you
To inspire and guide
To initiate and direct
May your illumination fill this time & place.
Hail & Welcome

Dragon Spiral


Let us celebrate the return of the dragons, as in our winter we anticipate the return of the spring.
Lets reach our awareness deep within the earth,
And as we spiral, draw the power of the dragon to this place,
Let this power warm our hearts,
Let it strengthen our will,
And let it cast a web of love around this circle,
Radiating goodwill to all.


"We are one in the Mother,
We are one in Her love.
We are one in the Mother,
We are one in Her love.
And they say that our unity has never been in doubt -
And they'll know we're earth people by our love, by our love,
Yes they'll know we're earth people by our love."


Connecting to the world of emanation, to the place of creation we will open ourselves to the highest guidance. We will be centering our thoughts on the development of the group, the development of SOL. We will all become channellers of divine information.



Oh Tiamat Dragon of Chaos
Primordial Mother,
Thank you aspiring us tonight,
Hail & farewell


Great Apsu of the freshwater Abyss
Thank you for inspiring and guiding us tonight
Hail & Farewell


Oh Mighty Dragons of Earth
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


Oh Mighty Dragons of Water
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


Oh Mighty Dragons of Fire
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace


Oh Mighty Dragons of Air
Thank you for protecting this circle.
Thank you for your knowledge and wisdom
Go in Peace

May this circle be open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in our hearts.
Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet again.

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* This ritual is a combination of the author's original ideas and information obtained from various books and/or internet sources.