~ Bride ~

(Information provided by Karen)

Bride (pronounced Breed or Breed-uh). She is a much beloved Goddess of the Celts. Her name means 'Exalted One'. She tends the triple fires of smithcraft (physical fire), healing (fire within) and poetry (fire of spirit). She is said to have invented beer. Her feast day is 1st Feb (Imbolc). She was so popular that the Christian church converted Her to a saint, to keep the Irish involved in their church. Alternative forms of her name are Brigit, Brighid.

The time between Samhain & Imbolc was considered winter. The hearth was the gathering point for the storyteller. One term given to Bride is "the flame in the heart of all women". This relates to the absolute authority of women in the house. (What's happened now????) Imbolc was a fire festival, only for the house. "None forgot that she was the daughter of the God of the Earth, but greater than he, because in him was but earth & fire, whereas in her veins ran air & fire. And how could one forget that at any time she has but to bend over the dead, and her breath would quicken, & a pulse would come back into the still heart, and what was dust would arise and be once more glad. Yes, the Woman of February is still loved and revered."

The druids called Imbolc "Oimelc", meaning "ewe's milk". It celebrates the birthing & freshgening of sheep & goats.

"A Bhrigid, scar os mo chionn
Do bhrat fionn dom anacal."

"Oh Brigid, spread above my head
Your mantle bright to guard me."

(Information gathered by Karen from inanna.virtualavo.net/imbolcc1.html)
A piece of trivia... Brynna is a variation of the name of the Goddess. My daughter Brynna was born on 6th August (Imbolc here in the Southern Hemisphere) ...pretty coincidental considering that the name was chosen well before we knew when she was to be born. ~ Karen ~