Mugwort used for Divination

by Janine Donnellan

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) can assist with divination and mediumship. A cup of mugwort tea sweetened with honey before a scrying session can heightened your psychic abilities, make sure that the mugwort that you use is fresh. A combination of sandalwood and mugwort as an incense can also be used and I often add some benzoin to bring clarity to my scrying work. You can also wash your crystal ball or scrying mirror in a mugwort infusion. Add mugwort to a dream pillow or smudge it around your sleeping area prior to sleep to assist with astral projection.

Please avoid during pregnancy as it is labour inducing.
Please be aware that many herbs have a number of different common names, some of which can also be used and confused with totally different plants that may have very different properties and also be highly toxic. For your own safety, always find out the scientific name of any herb you plan to use and check that you do in fact have the correct herb for a particular use.

Botanical illustration from

Click on the link to download a Word document about Mugwort compiled by Jenwytch.