Calendula (Pot Marigold)

by Janine

Latin Name: Calendula officinalis
Parts Used: Flower petals
Cultivation: Calendula prefers full sun, it is a hardy annual, and reseeds readily, so plant it where you want lots of it.
Culinary Uses: The flowers are edible. Use them as garnishes, in salads; or grind and use as a yellow colouring.

Magickal Properties: Known as "summer's bride", the yellow Calendula embodies the Sun's fire and life sustaining virtue. Pick in full sun. Added to bathwater it helps with the respect and admiration of everyone you meet. Marigold is believed to be useful for prophetic dreams, marriage spells, love, protection, respect, and psychic powers, and to be of benefit when legal matters arise. For protection, hang garlands of Calendula over entry doors to prevent evil from entering. Scatter petals under the bed for prophetic dreams and for protection while sleeping. Calendula is also an excellent herb to use with Myrrh for the construction of a charm bag to bring warmth and happiness into your life.

Medicinal Properties: Astringent, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, emmenagogue, tonic, vulnerary. Use tinctures of calendula flower to treat amenorrhea, cramps, toothache, fever, flu, and stomach-aches. Apply calendula ointment to sores, cuts, bruises, burns, and rashes. Taken internally it helps treat gastric and duodenal ulcers; and helps relieve gall bladder problems and indigestion.

Note: There is a big difference between marigold (Tagetes spp.) and pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) or calendula. Most entries referring to the magickal or medicinal uses of marigolds are actually referring to calendula. Check the Latin names before using any recipes.
