Bay Leaf

by Janine

Bay Leaf is a wonderful all-purpose herb. Bay is a Sun herb and is connected to divination. Inhaling the scent of these burning leaves is said to help increase psychic ability. You can stuff dream pillows with bay to help encourage divinatory dreams. You can make a good oil for dressing candles or blessing musical instruments by crumpling or grinding the herb and infusing them in Sun-warmed oil (sunflower would be a nice Sun oil to use--add a couple drops of vitamin E to help preserve it). When worn as an amulet Bay leaves are protective of the home and person. During the waxing moon, wishes can be written on the leaves, which are then burned on the Full Moon to empower the wish. In the Celtic Wheel of the Year, this herb is associated with Imbolc, celebration of midwinter. In the zodiac, it is connected to Leo.
