Crystal Care

by Maria

Crystals need to be cleansed when you buy them, after wearing or using them for healing. Always cleanse jewellery with or without crystal in setting. Energies will be present from the previous owner, environment or others handling it.

Ways to cleanse your crystals

Many crystal are sensitive to light, heat and water. Check before deciding on a cleansing method. Never use chemicals, ultrasonic cleaners, or steamers. Crystals have inclusions and faults, using harsh cleaning methods may damage them, sometimes beyond repair.

By cleansing, the intention is to clear away patterns of energy that may be undesirable or inappropriate to you while at the same time attuning to the crystal's energy to your own.

Running Water - Simply hold your crystal under cold running water, such as an ordinary tap or leave it out in the rain. Cleanse in a river, creek or natural spring where water is flowing.

Resonating Sound - Purify your crystal with the resonating sound of a bell you love. You can cleanse a roomful of crystal by ringing the bell above them, but the best way is to purify crystal one at a time.

Smudging - Burn a smudge or incense stick of dried herbs (sage, cedar, sandalwood or frankincense) and waving the smoke over and through the crystal. A feather can be used to fan the smoke. You can use smudging to purify a roomful of crystal.

Sea Salt - Soak crystal in a non-metallic container filled with water to which some purifying sea salt or crab apple Bach Flower Remedy has been added. Clean sea water is another option. If prefered lay crystals in a bed of Rock or Sea Salt (do not add water). Make sure that every speck of salt is brushed or rinsed off afterwards, as it can damage the crystal.

Earth Burial - The earth has a natural, magnetic quality which will draw off negativity. Bury them in a pot or in your garden, place a marker so that you are able to uncover them later. It is recommended to leave for two or three days.

The list of stones that should not be cleaned in the salt and water soaking method:

Amber, Turquoise, Imperial Topaz, Red Coral, Fire Opal, Moonstone, Opal, all Calcites including Blue Calcite, Green Calcite, Orange Calcite, Angelite, Azurite, Kyanite and Kunzite or any raw or rough stone.

Any stone with hardness under 7 should not be cleaned in salt water. If you are not sure of the hardness of the stone use another method of cleaning.

Malachite should be cleaned by putting it under running water and dried in the sun. Never have salt close to Malachite. Malachite is toxic and should only be used in polished form.

Some healing stones such as Calcite, Selenite, and Dioptase will crumble or cleave on contact with water. With these stones, use incense for cleansing.

Citrine, Kyanite, and Azeztulite are self-cleaning.

After the stones are cleansed and dry, they are ready for use. If the stones are for ritual use, wrap them in a clean cloth of natural material, such as cotton, silk or wool. Keep them in a safe place where they will not be handled or touched by other people.

Ways to Charge your Crystals

Sunlight - Firstly rinse under running water then place outside in the sun. Take care, some stones fade in the direct sunlight, and direct sun rays may start a fire.

Moonlight - Rinse under water and place in direct moonlight. Full Moon is best; leave it out to be bathed by the energy of the moon.

Crystal Cluster and Geodes

Meditation/ Thought Visualisation - You can use a simple meditation to visualise all negative energies being cleared and cleansed from your crystal. With each breath out imagine a beam of light being drawn down into and through the crystal. You can hold the crystal in your hands; place in third eye position (chakra) or as appropriate to you. This method can be used to cleanse, recharge and activate crystal.

Activate and Programme Your Crystal

Making a spiritual connection with your crystal helps to activate it, to awaken its consciousness. Visualize the pathways of energy flowing into your crystal, then, with you intention focused on activation, call upon higher-dimensional entities to activate your crystal.

Vortices, power points, sacred locations and special events such as lunar or solar eclipses, or spiritual gatherings, help to activate new levels of light in your crystal's energy matrix.

Before programming a crystal, it is usual to dedicate its energies to the highest good of all. While holding the crystal in your hands visualise light surrounding it, then formulate your intention for the stone. Be specific about how you want to use it because focused intention is part of the process.

When you have formulated your programme, attune to the crystal; check out that this is exactly the right crystal for the purpose; the crystal will feel lifeless if it is not.

When you are totally in tune, say out loud: "I programme this crystal for/to...[state your purpose]", then wear the crystal, position on your body as appropriate, place it where you will see it frequently or keep it in your pocket to remind you. You can also add it to your water bottle (elixir).

Gem Shows and Lapidary Clubs

Gem shows hosted by local lapidary clubs are often a good place to purchase crystals, either rough or polished. Click here for a list of 2010 gem shows in Sydney and surrounding areas of eastern NSW.

Crystal workbook, Sheril Berkovitch
The Book of Crystal, a practical guide to the beauty and healing influence of crystals and gemstones, Lansdowne
The Crystal Bible, Judy hall
Photos by Jenwytch from