Crystals ~ Celestite

by Maria

Celestite (also known as Celestine), from the Latin "caelestis" meaning "celestial" or "heavenly", was aptly named, for these dusky sky blue crystals have a very ethereal appearance.

Other colours: Clear, white, gray, blue, green, yellow, orange or reddish brown.

Appearance, Crystal System: Orthorhombic - Orthorhombic crystals have unequal axes that encompass energy and are useful cleansers and clearers. This crystal needs to handle with care due to its brittle crystalline structure and hardness of 3.5, very soft. Keep out of direct sunlight as colour may fade.

Properties: This stone has beneficial "stories to tell" through channelling angelic wisdom. Some even say it originally came from the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades (commonly called the "Seven Sisters") and that it holds celestial wisdom.

Celestite is a subtle expander of consciousness, lifting the boundaries of awareness to greater expansion, giving one the ability to articulate messages from the higher realms. Due to its delicate energy, exposure will be intensified and cumulative over a period of time.

Despite the appearance of delicacy, Celestite provides grounding and rational assessment of lofty visions. It lets you speak authentically about spiritual matters.

It has been known to accelerate spiritual development, stimulate clairvoyant communication, aid in dream recall and astral travel. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes celestite especially useful for Reiki practice.

Celestite is good for creative artistic pursuits that require mental acuity such as fine artwork, graphic design, writing and music. It helps you to communicate them better to your chosen audience.

If used for intellectual problems, it helps one to be calm and rational in finding out the solution, by stepping back and understanding all the plausible sides to the problem. It helps one in preparing speeches and delivering them clearly. It is believed to aid in the analysis of complex ideas.

Celestite imparts a gentle strength and an enormous inner peace. It can calm and sharpen the mind dispersing worries and promoting mental clarity. Celestite has an uplifting quality making it good for lifting heavy moods and sadness thus reducing the tendency of self-destruction. It encourages and maintains a positive attitude and promotes self-love in dark corners of one's being.

Celestite is said to be good to help those who fear heights (air travel, mountain hiking).

Celestite will help you to actually hear what is being said, rather than what you think is being said.

Use it to help a rescued animal to trust humans again or an injured animal to recover its strength and well-being.

Use celestite to help nervous children experience new activities and environments.

Celestite is a soft stone (both physically and metaphysically) and its vibrations radiate in all directions. A large piece of Celestite crystal placed within a room heightens the vibrations in that room. Place in bedroom or meditation space, a good environmental cleanser.

This stone was believed to be passed among family and friends in order to ward of evil. Both the Greek and the Roman cultures would pass this stone along to those who needed it for driving evil out of a person's body.

Celestite should be cleansed in a bowl of tumbled hematites, if it has points, the points must be positioned so that the points always point towards the sky.  These crystals will only need recharging occasionally, which should be done briefly in the sun.  Be careful not to leave your stone too long in the sun, as it may cause discoloration of the celestite.

On a Physical Level:

Chakra: It facilitates the opening and balance of chakras between the Throat and the Crown. Celestite's blue ray stabilizes the opening and functioning of the Third Eye.

Juterna: Goddess of hot springs, mineral baths, brooks and ponds. As such, she has healer aspects. In early times she was known as Diuturna.

Some interesting information relating to Juterna/Diuturna...

"There is reason to believe that the ancient form of the name was Diuturna; a basin in the Vatican bears an inscription dedicating it to the goddess Diuturna."

From: Records of the Past, Volume 2 - Page 174
Records of the Past Exploration Society - Archaeology - 1903
(via Google Books

Kore: Persephone was titled Kore (the Maiden) as the goddess of spring's bounty. Persephone was the goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Haides. She was also the goddess of spring growth, who was worshipped alongside her mother Demeter in the Eleusinian Mysteries. This agricultural-based cult promised its initiates passage to a blessed afterlife.

Nut: pronounced Noot - was the Egyptian goddess of the sky and of the heavens. She is the Great Weaver who wove the world. Nut is the Mother of all deities.

Nut is the Goddess of the Firmament and Rain, a Warrior Goddess who is also skilled in the domestic arts.As Mother Night, Nut represents the unconscious, luna, moon, feminine, the emotional body. Her glyph often depicts two crossed arrows against a leopard skin. Nut is associated with the element air, rainbows and sycamore trees.

Magical Use:

Element: Air
Zodiac: Capricorn and Gemini, Libra.
Numerical Vibration: 2, 8 Numerology
Feng Shui: Celestite is used in the Northeast area for self cultivation, in the Southwest area for partners and relationships (use in pairs) and for dispersing negative energy in any room. Use it in the Center/Health position to encourage good health.

Complete Book of Natural Magick, Cassandra Eason
A Year and a Day in Magick, Cassandra Eason
Illustrated Guide to Crystals, Judy Hall