Beltane Weekend 2017 ~ Avalon: A Cosmic Powerpoint

SOL Beltane 2017

Beltane is a celebration of the reawakening of the earth, it is a time when people can embrace the colours and vibrant scents of the season, the revitalising summer breezes, and the rapture of summer after a long dormant winter.

At this Beltane weekend we will be learning about and tuning into the cosmic energy power points of ancient Avalon through ritual, workshops, pathworking, dancing & drumming. We will also be connecting to our own special cosmic power point and creating a crystal grid to heighten our ritual and meditation experiences.

Where: At a private property in the Sutherland Shire, Sydney (full details will be sent to you via email once you have made your booking).
Dress: Casual
Friday – Sunday: $180 (includes accommodation and meals)
Saturday – Sunday: $145 (includes accommodation and meals)
Not sleeping over: $110 (includes meals)

Please note that this weekend is limited to 18 people. Bookings for the weekend must be confirmed by 22nd October 2017. For further information or to make a booking please send an email to