
(Information provided by Janine Donnellan)

Angels are popular forms of spiritual guardianship; however due to their biblical associations Pagans often dislike working with them. Angels have a rich history, and are found in many cultures throughout the ancient world prior to the Judea/Christian religions taking ownership of them.

Angelic lore is very complex but it is important that you should have your own personal experience with the angels and go by the messages and techniques they give you. Many books in publication about Archangels have conflicting information that is confusing to those searching for truth.

The gender of various Archangels has long been a topic of contention. Christianity represents the Archangels as being entirely masculine. You must remember that this religion is strongly patriarchal. There are many Archangels who are definitely feminine in nature but really these are beings of pure energy. They do not have a physical form as we recognise it so it is an abstract point as to whether an individual Archangel is masculine or feminine. However, when dealing with these Divine Beings they will often place a picture of themselves in your mind. This image will have a gender and the way the Archangels depict themselves in these visions is usually part of the message they convey.

Archangel: Michael
Element: Fire
Colour: Red
Specific aspect: Strength & honour.
Freedom from fear and self doubt, strengthening your faith, protection from physical and spiritual dangers, inspiration for leaders.

Archangel: Raphael
Element: Air
Colour: Blue
Specific Aspect: Healing, Love & Devotion.
Spiritual insight, inspiration of truth, healing of body, mind and spirit; inspiration for the study and practice of music, mathematics, science and both traditional and alternative medicine; meeting of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter; repairing of rifts between nations; healing of those injured on battlefield, inspiration for new cures for diseases.

The Witch's Shield - Protection Magick & Pyschic Self-Defense by Christopher Penczak