Axis Mundi
The beginning of a circle is also its end. Not I, but the world says it: all is one. And yet everything comes in season.
- Heraklietos of Ephesos

From the Editor...

The Seeker of Knowledge

Many people these days are searching for direction, their purpose in life, their spiritual path. We are living in a time where there are so many spiritual paths to choose from and trying to find the right information can become quite difficult, but that is all part of the journey of the seeker. Anything worthwhile requires much work and research, but the most important prerequisite to finding your path is the willingness to be open and honest with yourself.

Of course the more answers you find, the more questions you'll have. Each of us finds our way to our spiritual path through many different doorways and those that are new to their path are encouraged to read as much as they can in order to find the pathway that feels right for them.

These days you will find plenty of online resources and books to stimulate your curiosity, and if you are like me, you will have invested a lot of money buying books in search of new knowledge that will bring you closer to enlightenment. I actually need a few more rooms in my house to store my ever increasing library.

I am pleased to announce that Axis Mundi is introducing a Book Corner where we will be conducting book reviews of favourite and new books and hopefully some author interviews. So feel free to send in your suggestions or feedback. Happy journeys and may your own spiritual path bring you much joy and happiness.

"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest." ~ Author Unknown

Janine Donnellan

SOL's Full Moon Circle ~ October 22, 2010
Blue Moon in Aries

by Janine Donnellan

Click image to see ritual
"I am Light, I am the doorway to my new reality."

On the night of our last circle we connected to the energy of the Aries Full Moon under the guidance of the Queen of Heaven - the Great Goddess Isis. We began the evening in the ante room where we all connected by meditation to collectively create the Temple of Isis before starting our ritual. We then moved into the main hall via a pathway which represented the bridge over the River Styx, a river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. Standing guard in front of the bridge was the Ferryman Charon; for us to be escorted safely into the underworld we each had to give Charon a gold coin. The coins collected on the night were donated to the Eggtober Foundation for research into Gynaecological Cancers.

By the power of the Dragons the circle was cast and Thoth, Scribe of Maat; Horus, the Avenger; Anubis, Lord of the Sacred Lands and Osirus, Lord of All were called upon to guard and protect our circle. Next the great Lady of Magic, Mighty Isis, the eternal stellar flame that lives within, was then invoked and welcomed into the circle.

The intent for the ritual was for each person to perceive Isis's light within their being, so that they can create an alignment with their soul and to allow for the divine spark to ignite more fully from within.

During the meditation, we were taken to the Temple of Isis to meet Isis and to undergo an alignment by her Limitless Light. This light is a gift to all in need.

"I am the Light of Isis
The Divine spark shines within and without me."

At the conclusion of the meditation, we were given an opportunity to share our experiences and then we created a talisman to help create our new beginnings. We then thanked Isis and the Gods for their insights, we closed the circle and the residual energy was then grounded back into the earth and forwarded to individuals for healing.

More information regarding this circle and past circles can be found in our Book Of Shadows. Our next Full Moon Circles will be held near Engadine on Friday November 19 and December 17. Please contact us for further details if you would like to attend.

SOL Media Articles

The Spheres Of Light website now has a new section to showcase media articles in which members of SOL or SOuL Searchers are featured. The most recent additions are a 2 page spread about "Ghost Busting" in the November edition of Mania Magazine and an interview about Halloween in the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader newspaper on Thursday October 28, 2010.

Halloween - To Be or Not To Be

by Janine Donnellan

Each year on the 31st October I make sure I have a ready supply of candy for the few kids that come knocking on my door "trick-or-treating" for Halloween. It seems that this trend of "trick-or-treating" has been catching on here in Australia, and over the years an ever increasing number of reject stores and party supply shops are selling a variety of Halloween costumes and paraphernalia to cash in on this disturbing trend.

Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sowin). The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end" which doesn't quite fit in with the Southern Hemisphere seasons; in fact Halloween at this time of year in Australia doesn't make sense at all. The bright sunshine and the complete absence of any atmospheric gloom completely ruins the concept. To be authentic to the season Halloween or Samhain should be really be conducted on 1st May which is the Southern Hemisphere's "summers end".

Well what is the real Halloween all about? The ancient Celts believed that during Samhain the veils between this world and the Otherworld become thin, allowing spirits to freely walk the earth. The purpose of people wearing a costume and a mask was an attempt to placate or confuse the spirits into thinking that they were spirits as well and thus avoiding harm. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home while harmful spirits were warded off.

The Celtic holiday of Samhain, the Catholic Hallowmas period of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day and the Roman festival of Feralia all influenced the modern concept of Halloween. In the second half of the nineteenth century, America was flooded with new immigrants. These new immigrants, especially the millions of Irish fleeing Ireland's potato famine of 1846, helped to popularize the celebration of Halloween nationally. Taking from Irish and English traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became today's "trick-or-treat" tradition. Halloween began to lose its religious connotation, becoming a more secular community-based children's holiday.

Interestingly, more people seem to go on Ghost Tours and visit haunted places during Halloween, but paranormal activity can occur at any time every day of the year. The SOuL Searchers Paranormal Investigation team conducts investigations throughout the year but we are inundated with paranormal cases at the moment. One can only speculate the reasons for the increase but there is no doubt that it has nothing to do with Halloween but in fact more to do with the introduction of the various paranormal investigation shows on cable TV which has given people the confidence to ask for help when they have a paranormal situation in their home.


SOL's Beltane Mask Making Workshop
~ November 7, 2010

SOL's Beltane mask making workshop (this year for Dark Moon Circle members only) was an enjoyable and very productive one day event held at the home of one of the circle members. The masks were made to be worn at the next Full Moon Circle after this workshop. Click on the image below to see more photos of our creative endeavours.

Beltane Mask Making 2010

The Book Corner

by Adriana

Welcome to a new section of Axis Mundi: THE BOOK CORNER!

You will find in this section book reviews, new books coming out, interviews with authors and even information about authors signing or talking about their books. If you would like to suggest a book to be reviewed, or even if you want to give us your own review or give us information, please let us know!

We will focus on books about Paganism, Witchcraft, Magic, Shamanism, Paranormal Investigations, Earth-based Spirituality, and may also include books on mindfulness, eco-living and others we find interesting. Obviously reviews are based on personal opinion; they are not set on stone and are not meant to be the "ultimate guide". Also please keep in mind I am not a Journalist and do not intend to be one, I am simply a proud Pagan "nerd" who loves her books!


Title: A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic
Author: Marian Green
Format: Trade Paperback, 224 pages
Publisher: Thorsons
Publication date: 2002
ISBN-10: 0007133235
ISBN-13: 978-0007133239

I would like to start this section with the first book I read on Neo-Paganism - A Witch Alone: thirteen moons to master natural magic; as the title suggests this book is a training book for the solitary practitioner. As Green says in her book introduction (page xi)"Some (Witches) wish to be part of covens, to share ceremonies and regular meetings with like-minded folk in the comfort of their own homes. Others, however, have heard wilder music, playing to an older beat, and wish to reunite with Mother Nature, alone, out of doors, under the light of the stars and changing moonlight, in a simpler way. It is for those people I am writing this book."

A Witch Alone is written as thirteen monthly lessons in natural magic, Neo-Paganism and witchcraft. At the end of each chapter you will find exercises and a reading list. Its exercises help you work with the Goddess/es and the God/s, contact Mother Nature and work Magic on your own, following your own intuition. It is written for the Northern Hemisphere and focuses on English Pagan history (where Green is from), but most of the exercises and information are easily adapted to our Southern Hemisphere. The exercises are practical and mostly designed for the Urban Witch, although the author highlights the importance of being outdoors and in contact with Nature (she clarifies that outdoors can be your backyard or local park).

A Witch Alone may not be for everyone; some more traditional Pagans will likely have problems with this book as it does not follow any particular tradition; rather, it highlights the importance of individuality and discovering your own path. The only problem I have with the book is the idea in the subtitle of Mastering Natural Magic in 13 months. I believe knowing/working with Natural Magic is a lifetime process, not something you master in a year and a day; however this book is a wonderful starting point and it does give you a lot of insights and pointers. Beautifully written, with lots of poetry and great quotations, this book has taught me a lot about myself and about my Path. I definitely recommend it.


  • The Elements of Natural Magic. p. 128. ISBN 978-1862040762.(1989).
  • Calendar of Festivals: Traditional Celebrations, Songs, Seasonal Recipes And Things To Make. ISBN 978-1852302047. (1991).
  • A Path through the Labyrinth. Quest for initiation into the Western Mystery Tradition. (1994).
  • Practical Techniques of Modern Magic. (1994).
  • Everyday Magic. (1995).
  • Natural Witchcraft.
  • Wild Witchcraft. A guide to Natural, Herbal and Earth Magic.
  • Practical Magic: A Book of Transformations, Spells and Mind Magic.
  • The Gentle Arts of Aquarian Magic: Magical Techniques to Help You Master the Crafts of the Wise.
  • The Book of Spells II: A Sequel to the Book of Spells.
  • Elements of Ritual Magic.
  • White Magic: A Book of Transformations, Spells and Mind Magic.
  • A Modern Magician's Handbook. (2001).


Author: Michael T. Cooper
Title: Contemporary Druidry: A Historical and Ethnographic Study
ISBN: 978-1-4524-7132-7

This book is only available to buy electronically; however the author says he is negotiating to have it printed soon. You can download it from Amazon using this link. You need to have a program reader such as kindle, Sony Reader and Smashwords, which can be downloaded into your PC or electronic device (including iPhone and iPad) for free. You can download the first chapter of this book -- and many others -- for free.

Images from:

Channelling Asaem

by Trace van Lieshout

Trace is a Psychic Medium, Author, Artist, and Paranormal Mediator from Rosebud, Australia. One of her passions is to write about her experiences in order to explain the world of the paranormal. Spirits so often come through with messages for us to learn from, and she is honoured to be able to share their words of wisdom with the general public. For more about Trace see her website at

For the past few weeks I have noticed something - from the corner of my eye, a fairy was quietly keeping me company. Waiting for me to sit down on my computer and write my piece for Axis Mundi. As there are not many who even believe in the existance of fairies, they need as many people as possible to acknowledge them, and believe in them. Luckily for them I am about as open-minded as they come! So, here I sit, fingers at the ready, to take dictation from this lovely fairy, who is surrounded by the colour green.

"My name is Asaem, and I am a woodland fairy. I also specialise in being a bridge between your world and ours. I wanted to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU! If it were not for people like you - Wiccan's, Pagan's, and Spiritualists - we may have abandoned this world long ago. But you! You keep us alive, and you fill us with hope. Because we revel in your connection to Nature as much as you makes you what we like to call 'Earth Fairies'!

There was a time where we were fearful. The world was changing, and making anything connected to us, or the old ways, "evil". This made us fear that the world would be changed irrevocably, and we would slowly fade from existance.

But then you came. And those before you. What filled our hearts with joy and hope was seeing the determination in the underground movements that would not allow the old ways to die. So many risked their lives - and gave them - because they would not give away what was most precious to them; their beliefs. Oh, how proud we are of you all!

What impresses us too is your strength. In a world that still does not truly believe in our very existance, it must be difficult for you all at times. We can see that, at the beginning, it is very hard for you to "come out", because of fear of what others will think of you. But what do you do then? You come out anyway! Your determination to be at one with Mother Earth and the spirit world wins over the fear, and one by one you are drawn to each other. This not only makes us proud, but it makes us stronger too.

When you perform rituals.....oh, if only you could see it as we do! The energy that is created and released by you all is akin to nothing else in this world. It is one-of-a-kind. Think of the most amazing fireworks show you have ever seen...and multiply that by thousands. That is what we see come from you, and from others that perform ritual with you. If only we could make this a global, simultaneous event......

But that may yet come indeed. Because, slowly but surely, the world is becoming more accepting of you. I know that my friend here at the keyboard found virtually no existance of Wicca only 15 years ago...yet now, here she is, writing for an online Pagan magazine. Amazing! The world is changing my friends, and you are such an important part of that.

In the times ahead, others will be looking for alternative ways. The Church has held domination for such a long time, and they are losing members as fast as Paganism is gaining them. Why? Because, deep down inside, everyone is tired of the old fear-based systems, and they will look for something sustainable as an alternative to traditional religion. It will not take them long to find themselves drawn down the Pagan path, not only because they will feel a soul serenity that they have never felt before, but because you all are a living, breathing advertisement for it!

We walk in solidarity with you all, so keep going, my friends! Know that we are all so very proud of you. Thank you for being here, and being strong enough to stand by your beliefs.

Blessed be Earth Fairies! Love Asaem xo"

The Eternal Universe

Shaman's Tools

by Janine Donnellan

A shaman is a healer who helps people to understand and respect the natural and the supernatural world around them and within them. A Shaman is the mediator between the material world and the various astral realms and can walk between these realms at will.

An important aspect of Shamanism is the tools the shaman uses, these tools are physical representations of the tools that the shaman uses during his or her astral journeys. The tools e.g. the drum or the rattle can assist the shaman in entering an altered state of consciousness. Shamanic tools therefore focus and express energy received from Spirit which can be used for healing, diagnosis, cleansing, journeying and divination.

The Rattle

The rattle is a percussion instrument that is created with great care, using shamanic techniques, journeywork and input from spirit allies. Shamans would make their own rattles for a specific kind of healing work or to evoke a special spirit. Shaman's rattles were made out of a variety of materials such as turtle shells, plant pods, gourds and rawhide. The design and the shape of rattle would therefore reflect the Shaman's vision and would often depict symbols that would honour a Totem or Power animal or the helping spirit and would sometimes include personalized carvings or beadwork.

The rattle is very powerful tool and would always be handled with proper care and reverence. A shaman's rattle like the medicine drum has no initial powers until an initiation or animation has been conducted.

Rattles can also be used for cleansing the energy fields of people and places; they are also used during ceremonies and rituals to ensure that there is no negativity in the sacred space that is being created.

The sound of the rattle has a powerful effect on the body and the mind, and it has been found that the monotonous rhythm of a rattle has the ability to bring about an altered state of consciousness. There is a depth and immediacy in the sound of a rattle which can takes us to a new height of awareness allowing us to perceive the hidden world where we can develop a relationship with transpersonal forces that can radically change not only our perspective but our life.


The Besom or Witches Broom

by Jenwytch

BESOM (BEE-sum [Old English] or BAYSH-um [Gaelic]) refers to the witches broomstick or ritual broom. European folklore has witches riding their brooms through the sky, which many feel is an uninformed explanation of astral projection. Besoms were often mounted and "ridden" over crops in fertility rites.

Magically, a besom is used for a variety of purposes, but more generally they are used to purify and protect. Sacred space is sometimes cleansed before a ritual by walking deosil around the circle space while holding the besom a few inches off the ground and sweeping outward from the centre.

When not being used in ritual, place your magical besom by the door to protect the home from evil spirits and negative energies. When standing a besom, always place the bristles up, with the shaft on the floor. This not only makes the bristles last longer, it will also bring you good luck.

Many pagan traditions have the bridal couple jump across the broom or besom at their handfasting. Jumping over this ancient symbol of fertility is an invitation for wealth and abundance (including many children) to enter the couple's life and also to signify the establishment of their new household. The brooms are usually decorated for the occasion and then kept in a place of honor in the home. You can read more about Pagan handfastings at Handfastings - A Guide for Couples on the Pagan Awareness Network Inc website.

Historically, brooms made great gifts for weddings or handfastings. Just add a little ribbon, some flowers, and you're good to go.

How to make a besom ...the easy way!

The photos here are of a besom I made for a friend's recent handfasting. There are many different ways to make a besom 'from scratch', instructions for which can be found on the internet or in books. The besom I made started out as an ordinary domestic straw broom. The method, in brief, was to unpick the stitching that gave the broom its flat shape, then soak the bristles for a couple of hours to soften them before tying them again tightly to give the traditional round "witches broom" shape. The broom was hung up to dry for a few days, then decorated with ribbons and silk flowers, all carefully hand-sewn into place. When it was completed I cast a circle and ritually cleansed the new besom with smoke from burning sage then consecrated it with Air (Dragon's Blood incense), Fire (held over a candle flame), Water (sprinkled from my Chalice) and Earth (sprinkled lightly with salt).

If you would like to make your own witches broom using this method click on the link below to see detailed photos and step-by-step instructions for a besom I made in 2006.

References: Besom (Broom).htm
Photographs by Jenwytch

Crystals ~ Turquoise

by Maria

Turquoise, being one of the oldest stones, carries a great wisdom of basic truth within it. Turquoise unites the earth and sky, making particularly valuable in spiritual work. It aids the search for who you really are. Turquoise symbolizes a time to be honest with yourself, by calming the mind and emotions, revealing your true self. It allows for better communication in sharing your visions with others, reminding us to walk the talk. In relationships, turquoise's greatest contribution is helping to tune in to, and understand other people.

Australian Spring Flower
~ Waratah Telopea speciosissima

by Janine Donnellan

I have always admired the Waratah and I have had several attempts over the years to plant them in my back yard without much success. This beautiful flower is the floral emblem of N.S.W., and the name Waratah means "red flowering tree". It is a member of the Proteaceae family, and its botanical names come from the Eora Aboriginal people, the original inhabitants of the Sydney area. Telopea means "seen from afar" and speciosissima means "most beautiful".

Waratah (Telopea) is a genus of five species of large shrubs or small trees which are native to the southeastern parts of Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania). They have spirally arranged leaves 10-20 cm long and 2-3 cm broad with entire or serrated margins, and large, dense flowerheads 6-15 cm diameter with numerous small red flowers and a basal ring of red bracts. It flowers from September to November and nectar-seeking birds act as pollinators. Large winged seeds are released when the brown leathery pods split along one side.

The Waratah is a native flower which, when burnt and seemingly destroyed by bush fire, grows back and flowers again. It is a symbol of gentleness, beauty and resilience. Its colour is an intense red, red as blood, which links the flower with our heart; and the green is the symbol of life and growth. Usually the flower is a deep red, but occasionally a white one may be found.

In the Dreamtime all the Waratah's were white. The Dreamtime story tells how the female Wonga pigeon, injured by the hawk, bled from her heart onto the white flowers, transforming them to red. The symbolism of the Waratah is regeneration, healing and strength.

Waratah Essence

This essence assists the person who is going through the 'black night of the soul' and is in utter despair. It gives them the strength and courage to cope with their crisis and will bring their survival skills to the fore. This remedy will also enhance and amplify those skills. It is for emergencies and great challenges. This essence gives the courage and confidence to continue on where before you may have felt ready to give up.

Positive Outcome:

  • courage
  • tenacity
  • adaptability
  • strong faith
  • enhancement of survival skills

Negative Condition:

  • despair
  • hopelessness
  • inability to respond to a crisis


I have courage and resilience in all situations
I trust my ability to deal with the challenges in my life


Herbs ~ Almond

by Amethyst

This month when I was thinking of a herbe for Axis Mundi, I ended up delving into my kitchen cupboard for a change. This just so happens to be one of my favourite foods; I go nutty about it actually!

Cosmic Events and Other Astrological Stuff

Gardening Under the Lunar Phases

by Jenni Muscat

I would be the first to admit that this aspect of Astrology is somewhat challenging, but certainly not impossible. I've been able to put my limited knowledge of this type of gardening to the test (and I'm not normally a green thumb!) for the last five or so years now, and I have seen a great deal of success. This aspect of gardening has been a recognised concept for thousands of years and it's a good thing that remnants of ancient knowledge have still survived to the present day.

Magickal Tools & Spell Casting

by Rayvensclaw

I thought it was time to do some talking on the subject of magickal tools, obviously magickal tools as we know them are probably different from the ones used by our distant ancestors, however much of the archaeological evidence suggests that their tools were made from a variety of materials such as bones, crystals, stones, carved wooden items, metal objects and objects formed from clay.

Nowadays there is so much choice of tools available, from relatively cheap mass-produced tools to beautifully hand crafted pieces that cost a considerable amount of the hard earned cash. The question we should ask is if they cost more will they be more effective? If the less expensive tool is what you can afford and it does the trick you should go with it.

Do we really need tools to perform our spells or rituals or are they just pretty ornaments to bolster our egos? As with most things in life if we get the right assistance and we feel more confident about what we are doing, then of course our spell and ritual work is going to have the required energy for us to achieve our goals. If you believe that the cosmic web of energy can be manipulated then the right magickal tool could be the correct conductor to help you attract and direct the energy you require. Example: A wand tipped with copper and crystal can be used for conducting and directing energy.

What are spells? Generally a spell is a process of achieving a desired goal or effect in a nonphysical way. The spell caster has an outcome in mind and attempts to achieve it via ritual which may be simple or complex in structure. The spell caster can call upon gods, goddesses, angels, demons, fairy folk, and nature to help them with the process. A spell can be cast ceremonially or simply by lighting a single candle; the intent can be a thought, can be whispered, sung, or by beating of a drum (my personal favourite). There is no hard and fast rule about how to or how not to cast a spell. Experimenting and watching the results will point the way.

Sometimes spells don't work or they work in a different way to what you expect; perhaps it was meant to happen that way. Think carefully about what you want to transpire, who it affects within your sphere of influence. If a spell doesn't work perhaps you should examine your motives and demands. There might also be a price to pay for the spell working and you should decide if you are prepared to pay that price?

If by using beautiful tools with shiny bits enhances your magickal workings and it feels right for you, then by all means go for it. However, a stick that you find when going to the park may work just as well. Remember it is our will, energy, strength and focus that really makes our Magick work.

Witchcraft and Wicca. Vol. 19 2010
Tracy Louise Bartlett

The Evolution of a Painting - Part 2

by Amethyst

This month I'll talk about the rest of Stonehenge's evolution, and how the picture spoke to me. If you missed the first part of this article, here's the link.

Witchy Crafts

Dragonwicc's Summer Incense

3 small chunks of frankincense to 1 of benzoin
A teaspoon of dried mistletoe
A sprinkle of oak bark
A few marigold petals
One dried bay leaf

Grind these ingredients to fine powder. Now stir in 3 drops of orange oil or some orange zest and 2 drops of clear honey (to represent the Sun's summer bounty.)

Back to Axis Mundi home page

Issue 33 - SPRING/SUMMER, NOVEMBER 2010 ISSN 1839-4396

Spheres Of Light
ABN 46 385 794 818
We are based in Australia, in the Sydney-Illawarra area of NSW.
More about us...

For general inquiries...
Phone Janine on 0408 025 268

Full Moon Circles
In addition to our regular Full Moon Circles we also run workshops and classes which are highly interactive and experiential, focusing on participation and engagement of participants. If you want to keep abreast of SOL's circles, gatherings, workshops and activities please click on the banner below to check out our Events Calendar.

SOuL Searchers
SOuL Searchers is Spheres of Light's paranormal investigations subgroup. One of the many things you will find unique about the SOuL Searchers team, unlike the majority of other paranormal investigators, is that we undertake our investigations from a shamanic perspective.

SOL Holistic Centre
The Spheres Of Light Holistic Centre has within its members practitioners who can provide Spiritual Healing in a variety of natural healing modalities. Each modality is designed to heal all levels of the body; the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Working with ancient universal energies, healing works to restore balance, bring inner harmony and peace, to re-energise the body, to stimulate the body's own immune system and so aid recovery, as well as inducing deep relaxation. Healing is excellent for relieving modern day stresses and providing support during difficult times in your life.

If you want to know about current topics check out the forum pages. This is a place where you can discuss ideas and catch up on general news. So if you want to participate please become a member as we would love to hear from you.
... plus much, much more!

National Pagan Directory
The National Pagan Directory is a Spheres Of Light initiative to help Australian Pagans connect with each other in their local area. It is a FREE listing & provides links to information about covens, groups, classes, workshops, retreats & other special Pagan events, plus Aussie Pagan businesses & services. If you would like your coven, group, regular meet-up or special event to be listed in the NPD please send us your details. We also invite Celebrants in the Pagan community to promote their services in the NPD. For further information & contact details click on the banner above.


SOL Full Moon Circles
Friday November 19 & December 17, 2010

Full Moon circles
Spheres Of Light holds regular Full Moon Circles near Engadine (Southern Sydney, Australia) on the Friday before each Full Moon. These Full Moon gatherings are Open Circles, meaning that all Pagans are welcome to come along any time and experience a Full Moon circle with us. Details here...

SOL Meditation in the Royal National Park
Sunday November 21, 2010 then
Sunday February 20, 2011

Click here for more information...
Come join us for meditation in the beautiful surrounds of The Royal National Park. Our meditations will be conducted every third Sunday of the month, although we will be taking a break over the Xmas - New Year period. Please email for times and meet up details.
(Please Note: you must be over 18 years of age to attend any SOL gatherings, events, classes & workshops.)


~ Advertisements ~
Weddings with Oak & Mistletoe

Owl Tree Grove

Cherished Creatures

Fable Blades

Enchanted Emerald Forest

Kite Magic at PaganChild


Dragon's Eye Tours

Crystal Pathways


Please email us the details of any pagan or community events, classes, workshops or regular meetings that you'd like to see promoted here in this free listing & in the National Pagan Directory.

PAN Full Moon Public Circle
November 22 & Tuesday December 21, 2010 at Seven Hills, Sydney (map)

Date: Monday November 22, 2010 at 8:30pm
and Tuesday December 21, 2010 at 8:30pm

PAN Inc. full moon ritual. PAN runs a public full moon ritual each month at Rotaract Hill, Seven Hills. Anyone is welcome to attend - the purpose of the ritual is to provide members of the pagan community an opportunity to celebrate the full moon together & network with friends, it is also a public ritual where those new to paganism can attend to learn more and meet like-minded others, and the rituals also help inform the general public about what pagans do and dispel misguided myths about paganism and witchcraft.

The circle is held on the top of Rotaract Hill on Terminus Road Seven Hills NSW, just next to the train station. Getting there is easy. If you take the train, the hill is less than five minutes walk (and easily visible from the station). If you drive, there is plenty of parking available both at the base of the hill and across Terminus Road. Full Moon info and contact details here.


Mango Lime Sorbet

Preparation Time,5-25 minutes

Ingredients (serves 2)
1 x 300g pkt frozen mango pieces
1 1/2 tbs fresh lime juice
250ml (1 cup) fresh orange juice
60ml (1/4 cup) passionfruit pulp

Place the mango, lime juice and orange juice in the bowl of a food processor and process until the mixture is smooth. Transfer the mango mixture to an airtight container. Place in the freezer for 20 minutes or until firm. Use an ice-cream scoop to scoop the sorbet into serving glasses. Drizzle over the passionfruit to serve.


The Hierophant

With the Taurus full moon presenting on 22nd November it is only fitting that we look at the tarot card The Hierophant who rules over the element of Earth and is representative of stability and practicality and concerned with matters of religion, belief and morality.

The planet Venus rules the Hierophant, as does the zodiac sign of Taurus. Venus represents the enlightener, and Taurus provides the dependability to the enlightenment so that the Hierophant can be taken seriously in whatever advice he offers.

Hierophant literally means "the one who teaches the holy things" and he holds the keys to forbidden or secret knowledge. Ideally, the Hierophant prepares the seeker spiritually for the adventure of their life. This is the point where the individual starts constructing his or her own spiritual identity, as shaped by internal or external forces. Interestingly, the door of initiation may be revealed at the Full Moon during the sign of Taurus and one major role of a spiritual leader is to initiate others into the community and teach them the ways of the group.

This card may indicate that your current situation seems to require more experience then you can call upon, so now is a good time to be open to the presence of a teacher or mentor in your life. Keep in mind the old proverb saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear".

When you pull the Hierophant Tarot card, it may be drawing your attention to your spiritual convictions. The occurrence of this card could be a message for you to examine your belief system, how you operate within these beliefs, and how they affect others and your life.
Tarot card is from the Thoth Deck.

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